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It was lunch time and the students were in the cafeteria enjoying their food. The speakers turned on and Principal Jenn's voice was heard.

"Hello students, as you may have heard, zombie students are now allowed to eat in the cafeteria."

All the human students looked at each other in fear and disgust. They didn't want to eat in the same room as zombies!

"Just deal with it!" Principal Jenn said before turning off the speakers.

A guard opened the cafeteria doors and the zombie students slowly walked in, looking around in amazement.

"The human cafeteria, you really delivered Ej." Kourtney said impressed as they walked to the back to get their lunch.

The new football player searched the room for a certain curly haired boy. He spotted him sitting with Seb and Gina. Ricky looked up at Ej with the biggest smile making Ej smile back before walking with the rest of his friends.

"Our very own lunch table in the darkest corner under cheap fluorescent lights and by the trash cans." Ashlyn said after they got their lunch.

"I know....it's perfect!" Ej high-fived her. "Living large and in charge."

Ej was having the time of his life with his friends, things were starting to feel normal. Well other than all the dirty stares they got.

Over on the other side of the cafeteria sat Ricky and his friends.

"I just love the thought of flying through the air. Oxygen is so overrated... and so is dirt." Seb ranted about random things.

"I hate doing the dishes, but I love soap. Isn't it weird?" Gina joined in.

As Seb and Gina continued their conversation about nothing, Ricky couldn't take his eyes off Ej.

"Hey Rick you okay?" Gina asked waving her hand in front of his face. "Ricky?"

"My hearts racing and my palms are sweaty." He said staring at the cute zombie sitting a couple tables down from them.

"That sounds like the flu to me." Someone said.

They looked up to see a red haired boy standing in front of their table.

"Uh hi, I'm Big Red...can I sit with you guys?" He asked nervously.

Ej finally leaves Ricky's mind for a second as he puts his attention on the new boy.

"Yeah of course. I'm Ricky and this is Seb and Gina."

Big Red waved at the them before sitting down with his lunch.

"Does he really have the flu?" Seb asked him concerned.

"No I don't, it's Ej." Ricky sighed looking back over at his crush.

Ej was watching his friend in amazement as they juggled apples. Ricky thought he looked adorable.

"Wait, you like-like him? You like-like a zombie?" Gina asked.

The words that came out of Gina's mouth snapped Ricky out of his thoughts again. She's right, he does like-like a zombie, he does like-like Ej!

"Wow that's bad right? Really bad." Ricky started to ramble. "My parents would so freak out...are we still friends?"

Gina and Seb looked at Ricky as if he said the dumbest thing ever. "Hello, we have your back no matter what." Gina said putting her hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah, we just don't want anybody to break your heart...or devour it." Seb mumbled looking back at the zombie table.

"But this is great! I swear on all that I hold, mostly glitter lip balm, I will tell nobody."

It made Ricky feel better knowing that his friends had his back.

"Yeah don't worry Ricky, your secret's safe with me." Gina said looking at the zombie table, a small smile growing on her face.

Knowing that she wasn't the only one who had feelings for a zombie made her feel less worried.

"If it makes you feel any better Ricky, I like-like a zombie too." Big Red whispers.

Ricky's face lights up smiling at the boy. "Really who?" He asked.

"She's the one sitting next to the tall zombie. I've see her in the morning when we walk into school and she's just, so beautiful." Big Red blushed.

And the zombie Big Red was talking about was none other than Ej and Nini's cousin Ashlyn.

"Well, nothing's going to happen anyways." Big Red says sadly.

"Yeah true, Ej probably doesn't even remember my name." Ricky frowned slouching in his chair.

As if Ej heard the whole conversation he looked over at Ricky waving to him. "Ricky!"

Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to Ricky waiting to see his next move.

"Well, I can't be rude." Ricky smiles getting up.

"What? No... No..." Seb, Gina and Big Red said trying to stop him, but the boy was too quick.

Ricky walked over to the table, hands sweatier than before . What was he going to do? What was he gonna say?

"Hi...um, as they say in old zombie tongue, gazar nady garzane garsick. I looked it up on the internet." Ricky said proudly.

The whole table started giggling and Ricky felt embarrassed. Did he say something bad?

"Um, you just thanked me for rubbing peanut butter on your umbrella." Ej tells him.

Great this is exactly what Ricky wanted to happen.

"Of course it does! I was just messing with you." Ricky lied nervously laughing. "But welcome to the cafeteria."

"Thanks." Ej said smiling at the boy in front of him. He thought Ricky looked cute when he was embarrassed.

Ashlyn held out a flower kourtney and her made out of apple peels, handing it to Ricky. He smiled taking it carefully out of her hands, thanking her.

"Okay why is perky von cheerstick here?" Carlos finally spoke up. "The point of having our own table is to avoid people like him."

Ricky didn't think he was bothering them at all, now he felt bad. "Oh, no, I just wanted to thank Ej for rescuing me from the-"

Ricky was aggressively pulled back causing the apple flower to fall out of his hand. He turned around to see his cousin's minions.

"You know you're talking to zombies, right?" Howie asked.

"I'm fighting against intolerance."

"I fought mine by eliminating dairy." Antoine smiled proudly.

"Uh, zombie intolerance." He corrects him.

"Okay, look, you're cousin is not gonna be happy you're hanging around with zombies." Lily whispered.

"Cheerleaders don't support freaks." Howie said before smirking. "Oh, right, Jack said there was something different about you. I can see that now."

Ricky gulped looking between the three of them. Jack said something to them! What did he say, Did he mention his hair?!

"No... I'm not different." Ricky stuttered running his hand through his wig.

"Your smile, is that an overbite?" Ricky's eyes widen as he covered his mouth. Did he actually have an overbite?

"Is one leg longer than the other?"
Is it?!

"Do you wear corrective lenses?" He didn't even know what those were!

"No I'm not different. I'm the most regular person ever!" Ricky said.

"Hanging with zombies can be hazardous. You could end up at the reject table." Lily said before the three walk back to their table.

Ricky was panicking, he looked up at Ej seeing he was already looking at him concerned. He could feel the tears forming in his eyes, he ran out the cafeteria into the hallways. Ej quickly got up to follow the boy, making sure he grabbed the apple flower.

|1230 words|
- caswen4life

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