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It was time for Ricky, Seb and Gina's cheer initiation to begin. Jack told them to get into the school van, not telling them where he was taking them.

"Wait, is this Zombietown?" Ricky asked looking out the van window in amazement.

"Yeah it is." Jack gaged. "Pretty disgusting if you ask me."

"It's beautiful." Ricky said mesmerized by the lights and unique looking houses. They were so different from his house. The three new cheerleaders got out the van looking around.

"Every year, for cheer initiation, we like to remind zombies that we don't accept freaks in this town." Jack said with an evil smirk.

"Wait what?" Gina questioned glaring at him.

"Egg that zombie house and you're all officially one of us." He said handing them a carton of eggs.

Ricky knew this was wrong and they were better than this. They would never egg anyone's house.

"Oh no we can't do that." Ricky said handing the eggs back to his cousin.

"You look lost." A voice interrupted them.

They looked around and saw a zombie smiling at them. Jack  let out a high pitch scream pressing down on the gas.

They all look at each other before running to hide behind a trash can. The zombie laughed at the humans walking back inside her house.

"This was a terrible idea, I should have never joined the cheer squad." Seb whined as he looked around scared.

They heard a door open and footsteps coming their way. They started to panic hoping not to get caught.

Ej walked onto the sidewalk, searching his street. Instant regret washed over Ricky realizing Jack wanted him to egg Ej's house.

Ej turned around to see Ricky and the others. He smiled at them wondering what they were doing all the way in Zombie Town.

His gaze fell to Ricky's hands holding the egg carton. Ej couldn't believe it, the smile on his face quickly disappeared.

Ej stared at the ground with anger and sadness in his eyes. "The one human I actually liked was going to egg his house!" He fumed.

"I was so sure Ricky was a good human, but I was wrong."

"Ej, is anybody there?" Nini called out walking over to her brother.

She turned around to where Ej was looking and saw the three cheerleaders. Her face lit up when she saw the uniforms. She had never been this close to a cheerleader before, but then she saw the egg carton.

Gina blushed looking away from the zombie girl.

"You guys okay? Is anyone there?" Cash asked his kids.

They looked at him, then back at three humans.

"We're good dad." Nini said sadly.

"Nobody's there." Ej said disappointedly.

Ej grabbed his sister's hand leading her back inside the house. Once the door shut Ricky, Gina and Seb got up.

"That was a close one." Seb said dusting himself off

"Are zombies always this harassed?" Ricky asked. "I had no idea life was like this for them.

"Come on." Gina said patting Ricky's back. He threw the eggs in the trash before walking back home with his two friends.

They all felt really bad, especially Ricky. He really likes Ej and now, he probably hates him. Ricky could barley sleep that night. All that was on his mind was Ej and how upset he looked. He wasn't the only one, Gina also felt super bad.

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