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This is a chapter in order for you to get the vibe of Harry and who he is


Well that's going to hurt like a cunt for them tomorrow.

"Now tell me where the fucking money is" the best part about this is I get to beat the shit out of someone.

"I swear to you, I have no clue I don't deal with the money." What a load of bullshit.

"So your boss just happens to let you do the drug deal and see no money. Now come on Scott that doesn't make any sense does it" he's such a fucking idiot.

I could be doing a lot of other things today, such as arguing with a feisty brunette. But nope,

Here I am, on the job. Stood here in this derelict building on the outskirts of london torturing some poor lad for information I know he hasn't got.

Now I know it looks like I'm being a cunt, but I need some way to release my pent up anger.

I already have the information I need, but he was already tied up in this building so I can't let that go to waste.

"Please stop, I'm begging you" he's crying now, great he's a pussy too.

I take another swing at his face, hearing another crack which rings through my ears. Fuck I love the feeling of cracking someone's face.

He lets out a loud cry, why can't this bloke be quiet. I'm trying to enjoy torturing him.

Grabbing a knife from the inside of my boot, I drag it down his arm slowly but with some force so he can feel it.

He's a sobbing mess right now, usually I would've stopped but for some reason I just can't today.

It may seem a tad pathetic but I've never been turned down before, and when she did it the first night I met her, I was fucking stunned.

It stung like a bitch, and then yesterday when she told me she wouldn't ever fuck me and then told me to fuck off.

What is her issue with me, I mean I get I have my own problems with women but what's up her arse.

"You see Scott the issue is you seem to be a huge pussy, look at you, you pathetic cunt" oh this is the stuff.

"Please man, I'll do whatever you want" begging, god this man is a waste of space you know you don't beg.

Channeling all my anger into this man, it might not be the best idea but god do I want to torture him.

I decide to just go for it, I know he has no family and all he does is deal so he won't be missed.

With full force I drive the knife into his right hand, straight through until it hits the chair.

Pulling the knife straight out of his hand, and slamming straight into his thigh, nothing but a bit of torture to help cure the rejection blues.

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