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Luna Harding, she is the bane of my existence

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Luna Harding, she is the bane of my existence.

Why wouldn't she tell me about Chris, why is it some big secret, he's her ex boyfriend. Zayn did mention him when he pulled me aside at the dinner party last week. He asked if I was serious about her.

How do I explain to him what me and her are doing? I Understand he has heard about our sexual encounters, I'm not that bothered that she told him, they are best friends after all so it's to be expected.

I just explained to him that we are having fun, I don't want what I want from her really, it's confusing to me. I enjoy being around her. We seem to argue a lot. However half of that is my fault, I'm a blunt prick.

I'm not the biggest conversationalist on the planet, she just grinds my gears in a different way, a way that woman hasn't done before. I also have other aspects of my life that just don't fit into place when it comes to her.

I have thought several times of telling her, she might be able to handle it, I don't think she will. She likes to question my every move. She must have so much shit going on in her head, the shit she's heard about me.

I need to shake these thoughts from my head, I have a meeting with Crowley today. Fuck knows what it's about he requested too see me straight away, which is never a good sign. I make a quick call to Liam to tell him I have other shit that needs my attention today.

He never asks questions, I think he enjoys running the bar without me. I'm just the man with the money. It's okay with me as it allows me to focus on arcane.

The days I went away, where for arcane as well, I hate travelling for work it infuriates me as I know people question why I go away for days at a time. The worst part about it was I couldn't take goose.

I'm usually allowed to take my dog as security, but not this time which is why I had to leave him with Luna. She keeps making sly comments about that weekend, using it as leverage almost, I have been so tempted to just tell her.

Then to top it all of my fucking mother turned up at my house, I had no idea she was coming over she never does. Then Luna turned up and then shit hit the fan.

Maggie, she had to turn up that day of all fucking days, she wanted the usual, money. I just wrote her a check and told her to fuck off.

Then the fucking unexpected happened, the way Luna felt against me, fuck the thought of her wet cunt against my thigh is enough to turn me on.

Sitting here with a raging hard on before I have to go out, is not ideal. Knowing I can't do anything about it, I need to stop thinking about her, I have no idea if she even wants to see me again after the way I acted last night.

Rearranging my dick in trousers, I need to get my shit together. Pushing her to the back of my mind. I grab my dog and head out to my car. I can finally take Goose to work with me now.

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