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Woman! I do not understand them at all but I want to try, seeing Luna at the bar last week was breath-taking

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Woman! I do not understand them at all but I want to try, seeing Luna at the bar last week was breath-taking. That green dress was shocking to see on her.

Seeing her talk to me when I was standing in the hallway, she took my breath away. I am not quite sure what me and her are doing or what I am actually thinking. If I had any logical sense then I would stay away.

IT however seems as if I have no logical thinking when it comes to this woman, she renders me thoughtless majority of the time, she has this edge about her.

I did ask her on another date and I'm not quite sure what the end goal of that was as it ended in some form of bickering and then her saying she doesn't want to date me but wants to keep seeing me, which confused the fuck out of me.

She said she had a boyfriend and it didn't end well, what the fuck happened there. It played on my mind for a while after she said it, I was racking my brain about her behaviour and I remembered when she pulled out of my grasp in a panic.

She seemed kind of off after that, I wanted to ask her but we aren't at that level of trust yet, but I will get there. I just have to get there myself as well. I need to be able to open up about my past to her.

Thinking about all the conversations me and her have had since we've met whilst I'm driving to this meeting. I need something positive to think about as I am dreading this meeting, there's some newbies starting today, which can only mean one thing.

More fucking grunt work for me and the others who have to train them, there is a rare chance that some learn fast but as long as I don't get a fucking dud I can probably keep my temper at bay.

The drive to the main warehouse which is where the meeting is being held is about an hour outside of London. I'm just lucky that they called this meeting in the afternoon and not the morning.

I would've bought Goose with me if I knew this meeting was safe, but some of the new lot tend to get too big for their boots and try to talk back which could end up in a blood shed. I do not need one of these fuck wits to threaten my dog.

I'm hoping this meeting is short so that I can get back to him as quickly as I can, I'm not a completely harmless monster when it comes to animals. I may be wary about my own life but never my dogs.

Pulling into one of the parking spots outside the warehouse, it looks quite busy today. Which means the big boss is also here to oversee the newbies. Just fucking great.

I grab my gym bag out of the back just in case I end up sparring with one of the new people, it's unlikely but not impossible. They usually get me to train the new ones up, my boss does this so they can see how well they fight as well.

It always ends up being me who has to have a scrap with them, I have no fucking clue why. I'm an okay fighter, I can hold my own but I do a lot better when weapons are involved. Walking into the warehouse and flashing my ID to the bald bloke outside.

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