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I'm also so sorry for the late update, I appreciate the support so far and for getting me to 1k, I have so much planned for this book now!!!!

Gala day, I've practically spent all week with Harry. Since the diner we've been together most evenings. He's mainly been at mine and brought his dog.

I'm in a very good mood this morning, I know there is a possibility that it gets ruined tonight but I am with Harry so hopefully it's a lot more bearable.

I do have to work a little today but it's a quiet day in the shop, so I don't pressure myself into doing too much today.

Zayn has taken Eden's shift today, which filled me with such relief. If he didn't swap then she'd see me in a gala dress and I don't need to dwell on my family with her.

I do trust her but the less people who know about my family the better, I already hated the fact that Harry had to meet my brother.

As I start to do a little clean around the shop, waiting for Z to turn up. I'm getting a little nervous about tonight, I've been trying not to think about it but I don't know how to feel about the whole thing.

I'm feeling a little bit antsy right now being here on my own, it means I have to think and I am trying my best to think in a positive manner about everything in my life currently not just tonight.

I need to go tonight with a clear head and a good attitude, I don't know if my parents would cause a scene in front of someone they don't know. They love to belittle me so it wouldn't suppose me if they made some sly comments when I'm with Harry, I just hope they don't insult him.

I decide to stop cleaning and just sit behind the till for now, it's eerily quiet in here today, which does not help my mood at all

I hear the door open, I know it's Z getting here early.

"My love bug, how are we?" How is this man always in a good mood?

"Morning. So what's the good news?" he must have something to tell me, especially if he is in this good of a mood.

"Whatever do you mean?"

"Spill, now!"

"Fine, so basically Lou mentioned marriage last night, he was saying how he could see us being together for the rest of his life, I nearly cried." That nearly has me crying.

"Z oh my god, that's so exciting. I'm not surprised but I'm glad he can see that you're the one for him." I walk around the till and give him a massive hug, I can feel the excitement radiate off of him.

"It was the bet conversation to ever have with him, he did say he wants to do it property, which means he is going to propose, fucking hell I might fain from the excitment right now." He is basically jumping on the spot right now.

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