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TW/ Use of drugs, knives and violence

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TW/ Use of drugs, knives and violence

"Who are you Harry?" The phone stays on the floor as I look at Harry, he has no clue what I know.

"What?" He must know.

"Why is my uncle calling you?, don't give me some bullshit excuse, I know what he does and if you are involved with him then, I don't even know who you are" Harry is in my uncle's gang.


"fuck , indeed, so start explaining." I start to pace around his room, he sits on the end of his bed, face in his hands.

"What do you know about your uncle? How much are you involved in."

"I'm not involved, i've seen case files on my dad's desk, he gets Jack out of all sorts of shit" I'm not dumb, I may not follow in my dads footsteps but I listen.

"So you're aware that it's a gang." Why is he avoiding everything?

"Fucking hell, yes I'm aware its a gang Harry now tell me are you involved?" How is he even involved?

"Yes I'm involved, I have been for six years now, I never knew he was your uncle until a few weeks back." Okay, so he didn't know he was my uncle when we met.

"Why didn't you tell me before, or Better yet why didn't you tell me when you found out my uncle was the fucking leader"

"Why didn't you tell me, how about that Luna, why didn't you tell me what your family was into before I met them at the fucking gala" I snap my mouth shut.

"That's not what I'm asking here, why the fuck is my uncle calling you"

"Because I'm a part of his gang, that's why." he brushes his hair out of his face, I can feel the stress radiate off of him.

"I need more than that Harry, why, I need specifics" it's odd really, my trust has gone but I'm not bothered that he's in a gang.

I don't think I can hate him, my family does the exact same thing. In my own way I've always wanted to know what Jack does. I had an inkling and some snippets of cases but nothing like this, my dad would always brush it off.

"I was twenty one, struggling alright. I met Jack and he offered me money and a place to stay, I needed money so I said yes, now here I am, six years later." but what does he do?

I feel like I already know what he does. I have a feeling I won't like what he does. Was he given a choice, he said he needed money, does he still need the money or is he stuck, why am I trying to find ways to justify this.

"And... what exactly does he get you to do?" he needs to spit it out already.

"Interrogate people." BINGO!

I start to laugh, I'm in borderline hysterics, not knowing how to cope with all of this information. He's looking at me in a weird way, as if he would be any better if I had told him I was in a gang.

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