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Monday! I had the absolute worst weekend to ever exist

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Monday! I had the absolute worst weekend to ever exist. I saw Chris again both saturday and sunday morning, as if he knew that I would take the same route on my dog walk each morning.

The conversations were only short and awkward. He kept trying to figure out whose dog I had. As much as I love this dog I cannot wait for him to go back so that I don't bump into Chris and play twenty questions.

I'm not working today. It's Eden's trial at closing by herself. So Z is in for the morning to watch her and make sure she understands everything that needs doing. I have some errands to run today, I do have to take Goose but he is like my guard dog.

Having a shower, doing some light makeup. The weather is not too bad today so I decided to wear a midi skirt, paired with my white converse. The band tee I have on uis oversized so it pairs well with the skirt.

The light hum of music playing from my alexa is upbeat, so it helps me put me in a better mood today. Goose is just pacing around my kitchen, I know he is aware we are leaving the house.

Grabbing his leash but not putting it on him as I know he doesn't walk too far away from me, so it's handy when I'm only going to my car.

Grabbing my keys, phone and purse. We leave my house and walk down to the office, I can't go out the front as if Eden see's Goose she will know he is Harry's and I cannot be having her find out that I have his dog right now.

I bump into Z when I walk into the office, I shriek, which in return makes Goose bark. I'm glad he's protective over me but he is going to get Eden's attention.

"SHH,boy. Zayn, what the actual fuck." He's just sat there doing fuck all.

"Sorry, I was waiting for you. I had to have a reason for Eden not to leave the front of the store, I'm helping you." I am glad that he has helped me keep this dog undercover, but he doesn't need to be some weirdo and sit there.

"Thank you for the help, but next time try to text me or something we do have phones for a reason." It really is that simple.

"I thought this felt more powerful, but noted next time I will not scare you." He is so strange.

"Thanks, anyway, what time do you finish this morning?" I can't remember if he is on a long one or short shift.

"I finish at one, but I might stay in here and do some paperwork as I'm not sure Eden is feeling 100% confident about closing with Ross." That's fair enough.

"Text me if you need extra hands today, unless it's later this evening. As I am going to take him back to Harrys without Harry knowing. He wanted to pick him up but Edens here and you know how that goes." He looks at me with disappointment in his eyes.

"That doesn't sound like a good idea, when you told me about thursday when Harry dropped him off, it doesn't sound like the best idea to go to his house, what if he's angry." What does he think Harrys going to do murder me?

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