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Fuck me! Harry is something completely different, he is wow

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Fuck me! Harry is something completely different, he is wow. I don't even know how to describe him.

We spent hours together the other day, I was still shocked when he asked me on that date. I'm glad Z made me see sense.

It was so different, I was so different. I decided to give it ago, give me and him a fresh start. I need not make new friends.

It was so different from him, he brought his dog and oh my fucking god did I love that dog, he was so calm and well behaved, he never left my side.

He took me to a big rock there and we just sat and spoke for hours, talking about how he got the bar with Liam, the plans for the future.

He didn't say much about his personal life, more about work and how he enjoys boxing on the side. There's more to him and I know it, not that he could be hiding something, however the place he took me to yesterday has a deeper meaning.

He told me it was because of his dog but he looked too hurt or there was something in his eyes that showed me he cherished that place for more than one reason.

It's odd really how after spending time with him he's in my head, I want to know more about him. Who is Harry Styles, that's my question.

He's soft but seems all dark and twisted, I need to know him. I have never felt the need to know someone, usually I'm okay at holding in my feelings but with him it's different.

"What's got you all smiley this morning?" and just like that I am brought out of my little Harry thought bubble.

I can't tell Eden that I spent time with Harry, she'll worry and then tell Liam who will only go to Harry, so for now I feel like keeping Harry to myself.

"Nothing, I'm just in a good mood today, am I allowed to be in a good mood?" She can sense something is up.

"You are allowed, it's just usually on a delivery day you have some sort of bad mood going on." Why does she need to analyse me?

"Eden I'm just happy today, there's no reason for it." You liar there is and he's constantly on your mind now.

"Hmm if you say so, anyway I have some news" She seems all giddy to tell me her news.

"Well go on."

"I met someone, his name is jensen. Oh my god he is the sweetest human on the planet." since when was she looking for someone, and if so how come she never got set up on blind dates.

That really isn't the point here luna.

"Wow!, how did you meet?" I always get awkward when people tell me about their love lives, when Z met Louis he just introduced us one day and told me he was his boyfriend.

"Tinder" Not that fucking app, it is the bane of my existence.

"Have you met each other yet or are you still speaking on the app?" It's a valid thought.

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