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I'm in it so deep now, I'm currently led here at  right am with a sleeping Luna tucked up into my side

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I'm in it so deep now, I'm currently led here at right am with a sleeping Luna tucked up into my side.

she saw me engrossed in my phone. I had a mass text from Jack about a job I need to do this weekend, how do I lie now.

If I tell her I have to go away again and that she can't ask me questions I know she will walk away, I don't want her to walk away but I can't tell her this.

I could tell her I'm going to Niall's for a few days to catch up with him, she does know that story to some extent, she knows me and him were friends when I was 21 and then drifted as we got older and he got married.

I also have to take Chris with me to this job, apparently he needs to see first hand what I do and how to do it in a timely manner. It will also show Crowley how good of an asset he will be.

As I'm led here I then feel her stir in her sleep, she tries to get closer to me which I don't think is even possible. This is the first time I've slept in the same bed as a woman and actually enjoyed being here.

My ex hates hugging or cuddling of any kind so it became the norm for her to turn over after sex or anythign remotley sexual but with luna it's different, I want to be close to her, I want her to try and be basically in my skin.

She is making these little whimpers as she sleeps, she wraps her leg around mine and grips onto my torso with her arm, it's endearing really how she wants to be this close to me, it makes me feel bad that I'm not being honest with her.

As I watch her, I slowly stroke my hand through the ends of her hair which is sprawled over the other pillow behind her, I could watch her sleep all day. I know that seems odd but she really is ethereal to me, she is unlike any woman I've ever met.

"Are you watching me sleep." A groggy noise comes after that, I didn't realise she was even awake.

"Nah, you're not much to look at." She pinches the skin on my stomach making me flinch at the little sting she gave me.

"Don't bully me, I'm sensitive in the mornings." She cuddles back up to me, then bites at my peck, this woman..

"What's your obsession with hurting me." I know she's joking.

"I get affectionate in the mornings, sorry I'll stop." Why has she gone all shy now, does she think I want her to stop, this has to do with her ex, that cunt really did a number on her.

"Don't need to stop, I actually enjoyed it." I turn to my side and grab her leg and hike it up to my thigh, to prove to her how much I did like it.

"I can tell big boy." I touch her forehead with mine and chuckle, I pull her closer to me so her core is hovering over my erection.

"You don't need to apologise by the way, I like it when you're affectionate." I do, I've never been one for affection but I want it with her.

"Such a pussy." she has the widest smile on her face as she says that, I suddenly forget about any of my problems, or anything that I have to do today.

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