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Walking hand in hand with Harry up his driveway, my nerves course through my body.

"We can do this baby" Harry rubs my arm as he pulls out his keys from his pocket. I can hear Goose pandering by the door like usual.

As soon as he opens the door, Goose runs straight up to me.

"Hey boy." I crouch down to his level and give him a fuss. I don't think I've ever missed anyone as much as this dog, well maybe Harry but Goose is up there. I stand with Goose still at ym heel and I see Zayn.

Holy shit.

"Z" I cover my mouth as a sob escapes.

"Loo." he rushes over and hugs me with full force.

"I've missed you.'' Once he sets me down, he holds my face and inspects my face, running his fingers over the cuts on my face.

"Oh baby." We've been left alone in the front room, I'm guessing Harry took the others into the kitchen. He steps back and looks up and down at my body, but he won't see anything as I have one of Harry's long sleeve t-shirts on and a pair of leggings.

"I'm okay."

"Bullshit, don't even try that with me. I've known you for what six years now, I know when your not okay." he has me there,

"Fine, I am so far from okay, but I'm surviving. I've got Harry and Zayn the man has been the best, he has been so fucking patient with me and my needs, but I know he's struggling to, I mean the man killed people, people who raised me." fuck, I know he knows about Harrys job but he might hate him for this.

"Wait , who's dead, your parents." I can tell he's somewhat happy about that, my parents never liked any of my friends and especially because Zayn was gay which we would have countless arguments over, I didnt care that Zayn was gay.

"Yep, and Chris."

"Okay, I would never wish death on anyone but that cunt deserved it, did he do this to you." he pointed at my face.

"Yeah , him and Liam." We carry on talking for a little while, I explain the ins and outs of what happened and he still can't believe that I'm okay with what Harry does.

I mean it took us a while to get to this happy place we are in and it's still rocky but we are both learning day by day.

Time to face the music, I need to speak to max now, I mean he must know that everyone's dead if me and Harry are back.

Zayn takes my hand as we walk into the kitchen together, I look at him and smile. He knows I'm grateful for him.

I see Harry, Niall, Louis and Max all chatting in the kitchen, it seems natural now to see Harry act this way.

I mean it's still not normal but it makes me happy to see him try.

"Hey" I speak up, catching all of their attention but my eyes lock on with Harry's. He looks at me as if to say it's okay.

"Luna, your safe oh my god" Max runs over to me and hugs me. It's weird for him to hug me we've never shown affection to each other.

We are meant to hate each other, I don't hug him back, it's odd doesn't feel natural.

"Sorry" he lets go of me, just staring at me. I have no idea what to say to him.

"Can we talk." The kitchen is full but I can't be alone with him, I need Harry.

"Can you give us some space." They all walk past me but I grab Harry's hand before he walks out and look at him shaking my head to say he can't leave.

"I need Harry here Max."


We all sit down, at the table in Harry's kitchen. Harry's hand is on my thigh to calm me down, I place my hand over hiss

"So I'm guessing everyone's dead, if you two are alive, what does this mean?" He chews on his bottom lip.

"I don't know what it means, I never really knew what dad did or Jack apart from this whole gang stuff, but it's over it's all over, the men in arcane scattered." He scoffs.

"It's over, your not lying it's really fucking over"

"Yeah mate, it's done for good." Harry pipes up, thank god, I'm seconds away from breaking down but I keep it together for Max.

"Oh thank fuck" he sighs and drops his head back.

"Your okay?"

"Luna I've been waiting for the day that family rots in fucking hell, god I couldn't be myself, I mean I got engaged for fuck sake and then we spoke and we said we didn't want that so she left me but we still speak and we are both happy, but mum and dad where livid." Wait so he wanted this.

"Oh, well okay then yeah I guess it's all good." How did I expect him to react, not like me where I cried for a while and then wanted Harry to Fuck me.

God thinking about it makes me want to fuck him again or taste him. I rub his thigh, he catches on to what I'm doing and stops my hand.

What's is up with me? Why am I so horny all of a sudden, I mean I'm not a prude but god I want to be fucked all the time.

"Yes Luna, we're free. We can do what we want and not be dragged down by those fucking people we had to call parents" he seems a lot chipper than I was.

"I guess Max."

"I need to make a call, my god this is a day to celebrate." He runs to the garden all happy.

"So that was that." I turn to Harry.

"It was to be expected though, I mean when he called me about you a few days back he asked if they would die."

"He did? Fucking hell." I lean into Harry, he's my safe space, my one constant.

"Thank you baby." I turn to face him, kissing him on the cheek. He returns the kiss by pecking me on my forehead.

"It's what I'm here for, come on let's go socialise." We both walk into the living room.

I'm just grateful for this man, I think I always will be.

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