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Friday morning, Me and Z are working together today

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Friday morning, Me and Z are working together today. I'm feeling a lot happier today both mentally and physically.

We are closing the shop for the day tomorrow as we are going out tonight, we deserve it. We've worked so hard in the last 2 years that I think it's okay if we both take a day off.

All morning he's been non stop chatting my ear off about tonight and how excited Lou is, I showed him my dress when he got here before we opened.

Safe to say he was impressed with the choice, he was stunned that I had chosen such a nice dress, paired with some cute heels. I told him I'm going all out tonight.

I also know Harry will be at his bar tonight when we pre-drink, so I'm showing off. Seems petty but I know I'm going to look good tonight no matter whether I see him or not.

"So are you looking sexy for anyone in particular tonight?" he says with a cheeky tone, I know what he's hinting at.

"For myself" I am not playing into what he's starting right now, I will be keeping the fact that I may or may not see Harry tonight to myself.

"Hmm sure, its not for a tall hunk of a man who is like sex on legs." what a vivid image.

"Nope, for me and me only." I walk away and carry on sorting out the shop, putting out the new books and sorting out what's the book of the week.

It's quite nice being excited about something, I'm not a huge social butterfly but I have my moments.

The day flew by in no time, we were quite busy today mainly kids who came in with their parents asking for one of the new kids books we got in. It was quite a good day financially as well.

Locking up and letting Z deal with the till and everything to do with the back office as I go and shower before getting ready for tonight.

Z is going back to his to get ready and then he will pick me up on the way to the bar. So I know he will lock up behind himself when he leaves.

So I decided to blast some music through my speaker and dance around my bedroom in my towel. Singing love yourself by Justin Bieber into my hairbrush, I am more excited about dancing tonight.

Sitting at my desk, putting on my face feeling good with a glass of wine. If I go to the bar slightly inebriated then I will be able to handle the people factor a lot better.

Skipping a few of the sad songs on my playlist to find the party ones, this is the best feeling I think. Getting ready, music blasting alcohol flowing, keeps me in a positive mind set.

Time to put my dress on, my god I am terrified to wear this dress out tonight, especially to a club but I am confident and fearless no matter what, so I can do this.

Slipping on the green dress and tying it up and the back, then slipping my heels on. Going to my full length mirror and staring at myself, wow I look fucking great.

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