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Standing outside my uncle's house on the outskirts of London, I'm shit scared to talk to him but I know this is needed

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Standing outside my uncle's house on the outskirts of London, I'm shit scared to talk to him but I know this is needed.

I knock on the front door, well here we go. Another man opens the door, he's rugged, looks a little empty in the eyes but he works for Jack so it's to be expected.

"Who are you?" His stern voice carries through my whole body, causing me to shiver.

"I'm jack's niece" I'm surprised I even got any words out.

"Wait here" he only speaks in short sentence forms and barely blinks, what does he do these men and would Harry be the same if we had never met.

He walks away from the door, leaving me standing here evaluating my decisions, is this the right thing to do, I mean Harry's a literal murderer because of this man.

"Follow me." He grabs my upper arm, I try to get out of his grasp, but his hand only wraps tighter around my skin, trying not to wince or have flashbacks as he holds me like this.

"Ouch, no need get aggressive"

"Be quiet and stay here" is what is with men and their overall need to dominate, it's tiring.

I rub my arm as he walks away, leaving me here to wait. I have no idea if I'm even seeing jack, or if I just walked myself into a death trap.

"Luna, how nice of you to come and visit your uncle, how long has it been, what two years?"

"Save the sarcasm, you know why I'm here" I don't get why he pulls this bullshit every time.

"There's the feisty Crowley I know" I roll my eyes and take a seat opposite his desk.

"I'm not a Crowley, I'm a Harding"

"You say potato I say po-ta-toh" men.

"Jack" I glared at him.

"Luna, look I know your with Harry and I have no issue just make sure you keep that pretty little mouth shut, otherwise Harry will suffer the consequences"

"I want him out" that earns me a bellow of laughter from him.

"Oh you're being serious, woman are so naive"

"How am I naive, I want the man I love to get out of this shitty gang you've created, I'm hopeful"

"You're dumb, the only way out of Arcane is to die, Harry knows this and he has for years"

"What about Niall, he got out. What was the difference" he looks shocked that I knew about Niall.

"That's different, he wasn't as useful as Harry. He was emotional and got very attached to people, he clung onto Harry." As if that's a bad thing.

"You still let him leave, even with all the knowledge, so how is this fair?"

"For fuck sake Luna, you can't save people. Harry knew all of this, he knows that in order to leave he has to die, why can't you grasp that, are you thick in the fucking head love, do I need to tell Harry to knock some sense into you?." Wow, threatening domestic abuse is lovely.

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