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BODY IMAGE IN THIS CHAPTER, if anyone feels alone or struggles with this, I am here for you all, nobody should suffer alone

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BODY IMAGE IN THIS CHAPTER, if anyone feels alone or struggles with this, I am here for you all, nobody should suffer alone. ILY<3

Fuck men!

I don't even mean that in a literal sense, I am seething over the fact Harry decided for me, for us what was best, he never let have my own fucking opinion.

I hate that he thinks he can say whatever he wants and get away with it, saying we don't fit. What does that even mean? He's acting as if I proposed or something.

It's my day off but I need to talk to Z about this, I've not updated him on anything about Harry since the bar, considering it's Edens day off I don't need to be wary about her listening.

I get dressed, nothing too drastic, just a pair of leggings and a baggy top, I go downstairs and sit in the office, waiting for Z. I do have some stuff to do in here today but that can wait.

Sat in my office chair going through everything that happened with Harry, I just can't believe he would do that, as if it was all just me who wanted to kiss him, he was the one who asked what I wanted.

Did he expect me to lie to him, I wanted to kiss him, baseline I want to fuck him. Well I did want to fuck him now I want to punch his fucking head in.

"Whats up hun?" Z, just the man I need right now.

"Harry." That's all I say, he takes a seat on his desk chair, and swings around so he's facing me.

"Oh shit, the date. Did you two fuck, is he good in bed? How big is his...?" jesus fucking christ, I stop him before he can continue

"Stop!, no we didnt have sex but we did kiss." he leans forward with shock written all over his face.

"Kiss, when the fuck did this happen and why wasn't I told straight away." He interrupts me, well he'd find out if he was quiet for longer than five seconds.

"Z, if you shut up and listen then I can actually explain." I don't want to snap at him but I'm already on edge so I'm benign a bitch today.

"Okay, sorry carry on" he sits back into the chair to finally listen to me, now I can explain the cuntish behaviour that was last night.

"So he was here last night, and before you say anything I asked him to come here. Eden had said something and I wanted to tell him"

"Wait hold on, what did Eden say that warranted you inviting him here?"

"She thought he was seeing someone and was going to try and figure out what was going on, apparently he's been acting a lot more suspicious lately, at first I thought she knew about me and him but it was way before he asked me out." It all seems a bit dodgy, he was very defensive last night.

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