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TW/ some hateful language towards the MC

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TW/ some hateful language towards the MC

The shop is back to its normal state, we are a lot busier than we have been. I'm also working with Z today for the first time in a long time.

We planned to try and do one shift together a month so we can discuss the future and have a little gossip.

It's been a while since we've had a proper catch up, I eventually got a hold of him when the delivery fiasco happened. He was with Louis ' parents so he didn't look at his phone.

I sort of understand considering what I've heard about his parents, they hate when you go on your phone. They are an odd bunch if you ask me.

"Loo, come on lighten up." Oh yeah, now i'm being quizzed about my dating life, he also knows I hate that nickname.

"Z you know I hate that nickname and I don't see why I need to lighten up. I'm not going on a blind date." Apparently Louis has a cousin who's looking to meet someone, I however do not want to be that someone.

I haven't been on a date since Chris and even then he never bothered to show up on time and majority of the time I had to pay, I'm all for the equality of it all, but he'd never be off or split with me.

"You've not dated or been on a date since splitting up with cunt bag, so I think it's time you put yourself out there." of closure he fucking does, he has this weird thing about doing dinner dates.

"I don't want to put myself out there. I'm okay with being single, come on Z you know how I felt right after Chris, I'm not ready yet." It's true, I'm not ready, I don't know how to say it's been over four years since I've been single.

"Come on, one date and I will even make me and Lou sit at the back and watch" no thats even fucking worse.

"What's his name" I can't help but dramatically roll my eyes, I do not want to do this but I know Z wont let up about this if I don't make the effort to go on this date. I can go and then he can't bring it up anymore.

"I knew you'd see sense, his name is Nick. he's 26 works in construction." and he's related to Louis, so this should be such fun.

"I never said I'd go, I just asked for his name so I wouldn't be so presumptuous."

"Luna, come on. It will be good for you. Just one date and that's it. I'm not asking you to marry the guy. You dont even need to fuck him although you could probably use it." He thinks he's so fucking clever.

"And what's that supposed to mean, also why would you even think I'd fuck somene I hardly know." I do not want to have sex, the thought never crossed my mind.

"Your a bit uptight, you could use a good fucking" for god sake.

"Z we are at work, lower your voice" he has zero filter.

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