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Nicos pov

Nico had not been feeling well for the past week. His head pounded and his throat throbbed. Of course he wouldn't tell anyone that because they would worry and he didn't need that. He didn't need their pity.

He kept it hidden from everyone, except Jason walked in on him puking and took him to Will. Luckily he had gotten better by today. Will stopped by his cabin this morning. Nico was going to say hi and be nice except Will didn't give him a chance.

"You could have gotten seriously sick! Why are you so dumb? Why would you keep this from me? I thought we had cleared up the fact that your health is important," Will yelled at him. Nico did not like it when people yelled. It made him feel worthless and terrible.

"I'm not dumb! I just don't need your pity."

"You need good health though! It wouldn't be pity, you could have died!" Will yelled at him backing him into a corner. His eyes looked furious.

"It's not like I already don't want to die!" A tear slipped down Nicos cheek and Wills eyes looked sorry for a moment then they turned furious again.

Nico thought Will was going to yell at him, but instead he kissed him. Nico had not been expecting that. It was not a polite kiss at all. In fact he could practically feel all of Wills anger. His mind couldn't think straight. Maybe because he wasn't straight.

Nico realized he hadn't kissed back yet and Will started to pull back but Nico grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer. Gods he loved Will. Will was the only reason he wanted to live. With that thought he kissed Will harder. Will leaned into Nico pushing him against the wall. Nico wished he could live in this moment forever.

Will pulled back, but only for a second to catch his breath, and when he resumed kissing Nico it was no longer angry, but desperate as though he had waited forever for this. The kiss stopped sooner than Nico had wanted. So he quickly pressed one last kiss to Wills lips. His lips barely brushed Wills but it gave Nico enough adrenaline to tell Will, "gods, I'm in love with you."

Will smiled, "love you too Neeks. That's why you need to live. I don't know what I would do without you."

Nico smiled up at him. Will wrapped him in his arms and started playing with Nicos hair. He wished he would stop because it was super distracting and making him blush, but at the same time he loved it and didn't want it to stop.

"Neeks," Will whispered softly in his ear. Not asking anything, just saying his name to say it.

It had been a few days since Nico and Will confessed, and Nico went to check in on Will because he didn't come to breakfast. He was afraid that Will regrets telling Nico. His heart felt heavy with the thought. He knocked on the Apollo door lightly.

"Hello?" Answered a very pale Will. Nico's eyes grew wide.

"Yeah, death boy, guess who got sick from the kiss. Not the smartest thing to do, but I'll never regret it."

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