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Wills pov

"Nico where are you taking me?" Will asked as Nico dragged him through crowded New York.
Nico noticeably did not answer.

He had been with Will for a month now, and Nico still did not like to call Will "Boyfriend." Will didn't exactly like that, but he understood and didn't push Nico to call him that.

Nico stopped abruptly in front of a building. I look up-almost bumping into him-to see a Barnes and noble. Gods he knows me well.

"I mean I love books, but why are we here?"

"Because William, I know you like books and I wanted to take my boyfriend on a date that would make him happy."

Wills heart skipped. Boyfriend? Had Nico just said that?

"Neeks, did you just say boyfriend?" Will asked his voice cracking in the middle of the word 'boyfriend'.

"Yes. And I plan to use it again if you are good."
Will smiled. Nico knew just the way to make him happy. But there was no time to be affectionate when there were books right in front of his face. Will started, but Nico grabbed his arm, "kiss first."

Will stepped back to Nico and quickly embraced him giving him a quick kiss and said thank you, then ran to the books.

It was a great date. He gave Nico some book suggestions and cuddled with him while reading. He was lucky to have Nico as a boyfriend.

While Will was reading keeper of the lost cities, Nico kissed his head then moved right next to his ear and whispered, "my boyfriend." It sent shivers down my spine, causing me to lose any interest at all in the book, and instead look at his smirk. Gods, he drove me crazy, and he knew it too.

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