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Nicos pov

"Nico! Nico! Nico!" He heard someone call his name waking him up. Ugh. His face was hit with a pillow.

"Uhm ow?"

Will smiled at him. A smile so big it made Nicos stomach flip. You can be married to a guy and yet still get butterflies.

"Guess what day it is."

Nico suddenly realized. "Adoption day." A smile crept on his face


It's adoption day! They were going to finally bring home Bianca. She was a little toddler with light skin and brown eyes with a little bit of brown hair. They were going to foster her until they prove they can adopt her.

They arrived at the place and walked into the girls room. She was sitting on her bed smiling. She jumped up and hugged them both.

"Thank you."

They had met before of course, but that was before Nico had actually an important part of her life.

"Are you ready to go home Bianca?" Will asked her picking her up. She squealed.

"Yes I am."

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