Quest p2

515 11 4

Wills pov

"I love you, sunshine," those were the last words he ever heard. The beautiful voice telling him not to go, he should have listened.

As soon as he reached the city area, there was a shooting. He got shot and didn't make it in time.

"I love you, sunshine," the last words ringing in his ears as he passed. He would miss Nico. His death boy. His boyfriend. Oh gods what would this do to Nico.

He passed thinking about Nico, a tear falling down his cheek.

"Goodbye, Nico," he barely whispered.
He woke up at a dark place. In front of him was Hades.

"You can't be here, what about Nico?"

"Don't you think I know that," he growled at Hades.

Hades knew he couldn't interfere. Will was dead. For good. Hades snapped his fingers and in front of Will was Nico.

He waved to Nico, but it was like he was staring right through him.


He could see Hades but not Will?

"I'm here. And your boyfriend."

Nicos face dropped. First confusion, then sadness, then anger.

"H-he's dead?"

"I'm sorry son."

Nico looked sad. Will wondered if he could speak to him and if he could hear him.


Nico turned around shocked. So he could hear him but not see him?

"Weird, that's never happened. You guys must be special." Hades walked away with a smirk, leaving Will and Nico alone.

"How?" Nico demanded me to tell him.

"I don't know he said he we're special."

"I meant, how did you die." Nico rolled his eyes, but when he reached the word 'die' Will could barely hear it.

"I got shot."

Nico stayed silent.

"I need you Will. I don't think I can go on without you." Nico wiped his eyes. Will felt so bad. He wanted to wrap his arms around Nico and hold him forever.

"I have an idea."

Nico looked at him confused.

"I'll follow you around. We can obviously still talk, I can tell you everything. Still take care of you, and love you. The only thing is we can't hold each other and you can't see me. It's better than nothing."

Nico nodded, "it is better than nothing. I love you Will."

"I love you too."

And from that day on Will stayed with Nico. They would talk every day and Nico stayed happy. Will wished he could hold Nico in his hands. Maybe some day. Maybe some day.

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