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Idea from glee season three episode 12.

Will's pov

I was sitting with Annabeth and Piper, just talking about life and catching up.

"I have something to tell you guys.." Annabeth says, interrupting the silence that had appeared.

"Another prophecy?" I ask with a sigh in my voice.

"No actually." Annabeth pauses and pulls out a chain from around her neck. There was a ring on it.

"Annabeth, What the Hades is that?" Piper asks as she drops the piece of chocolate she was eating.

Annabeth smiles, "an engagement ring. From Percy." A WHAT!

I choke on my water I was drinking. "You guys are 18!" Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"So what Will? We're demigods. You never know when we might die, and I know I want to be with Percy for the rest of my life." I sigh, she's not wrong. But really 18?

"Annabeth. This is huge. Wha-why-when?" Piper asks while fangirling.

Annabeth laughs. "That's a lot of questions. He proposed a week ago, and I said I needed time because we are young b-"

"Because you are." I interrupt.

Annabeth rolls her eyes., "what would you do if Nico proposed to you today?" Say yes.

"Touché." The thought of Nico makes a blush come onto my face.

"Anyways, two days after I said yes. We don't know when the wedding will be, but all I know is I love him so much and I can't imagine life without him, you know?" I do. I feel it whenever I see Nico.

"I'm happy for you, Annie." Annabeth smiles and her and Piper chat while I go to find Nico.

I find him training and I clear my throat.

He turns around startled, but when he sees it's me his face brightens. "Hey Will. What are you doing here?" I walk up to him and wrap my arms around him.

"I love you."

"I love you too. Is something happening?" Worry crept into his voice.

"No I just really love you." Nico drops his sword to the ground and wraps his arms around me. He kisses my head and I sigh.

"I love you too sunshine."

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