Pranks p2

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Nico's pov

It had been a week since Nico declared war, and nothing has happened so far. He had a grand plan that he saw from Percy, who for some reason has a phone. Call Will a friend in front of him, and proceed to make plans without him.

Nico sat down next to Will and when he usually does so, Nico kisses his cheek, but not today. He looks up and see a fairly new camper, who he had paid to help him. The camper walked over and sat across the table for Will and Nico.

"Hey Neeks, what's up." Will looked up at the name, but looked back down at his work shortly after.

"Oh just sitting with my friend." Will looked up confused at that part.

"Cool. So do you want to go to the strawberry fields with me. Your friend can come."

Nico tried to hide his smile as he said the next part. "No he's good, he doesn't really like that stuff."

Will raised an eyebrow. Nico knew that Will loved the strawberry fields.

"No, actually I'd love to come, with my boyfriend." Will gave him a look like 'why did you call me friend?'

Nico smiled. "Thanks, you can go now," and fist bumped the camper, who's name Nico was way too lazy to learn.

"What?!" Will looks at Nico in bewilderment.

"Prank wars, remember, my boyfriend?" Nico added the last part, to make sure Will knew that it was just a prank.

Will punched him, then wrapped his arms around Nico's shoulder and put his head on Nico's.. "I guess that was payback. But speaking of strawberries, I'm kind of hungry. McDonald's?" Nico smiled and grabbed Will's hand, so they could shadow travel.

Will and Nico had walked up to the register, but Nico didn't have people skills, so Will always ordered for him.

"Hey can I have an Oreo McFlurry?" Will asks, bringing out his wallet. Nico frowns, as Will forgets his order, but gently nudged him.

"Can you order me a happy meal?"

"One McFlurry?" The cashier asks as Will brings out his money.

"And a happy meal please, Will."

"Yep that's all." Will hands the cashier money, and Nico's heart dropped. He had gotten used to being ignored, but he never thought Will would do it. He walked over to an empty table, trying to keep the tears in his eyes from flowing down. It's just a happy meal, you don't need to be so pathetic, Nico thinks.

Will comes to the table, but Nico doesn't look up.

"I'm sorry I pranked you. Here." Nico looked up and saw a red happy meal in front of him.

Nico laced his hands with Will's. "It's okay, it was only fair. Let's just truce?" Nico held out the hand that wasn't interlaced with Will's and Will shook it.

"Now let's eat!" They both enjoyed their food together, and had a great time.

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