Best friends (human AU)

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Nico's pov

Will and I have been best friends since basically birth. People always thought we were dating, and we eventually gave up on correcting them. Although, Will's girlfriends didn't seem to like that. He had broken up with two of them because of it, and I couldn't help but feel guilty.

"You soooo like him," Annabeth tells me as we look at books.

"Hmm?" I look up confused. I have no clue who or what we were talking about.

"You like Will!" She says, tossing her hands in the air.

"One, no. Two, why are you mentioning that right now?"

Annabeth rolls her eyes, "have you not been paying attention to what I have been saying?"
Oops. Annabeth grabs the book I was reading.

"I said, Will  just posted about him and his crush dating." My stomach drops. I don't know why. I don't like Will. I should be happy for him.

"See! You like him."

I reach for the book back from Annabeth but she pulls it out of my reach, skimming through the pages. "No I don't." She rolls her eyes.

Annabeth sighs and pulls out her phone. Wait, that's not her phone. That's mine.

"What are you doing?!" I reach for my phone.

"Oh, fine. Here." She hands my phone and my book back to me, surrendering.

When I got back home Will was on my bed, waiting for me. I wasn't even surprised. We saw each other all the time, but my stomach still flipped at the sight of him for some reason.

Will's pov

I had finally gotten Lucy to be my girlfriend! I wanted to tell Nico. Him and I made plans two days ago to meet at his house today at three. It was now five. I started to feel a little upset at first, but now I'm worried.

The door opened and shut. I looked over and saw Nico.

"Finally!" I yell shooting upwards.


"Where have you been?" I start to feel a slight pinch in my chest. He has never ditched me before.

"With Annie at the bookstore. Why?" The sting only grows when he tells me he ditched me for someone else. He didn't even remember, or he didn't care.

"Because! We had plans to meet here at three! I declined a date with my now girlfriend, because I didn't want to cancel suddenly on you!" Nico flinches at the word girlfriend, but quickly recovered.

He walks over to me with a murderous look in his eyes, and I immediately feel dead inside.

"You we're actually supposed to meet me this morning Will. Annabeth saw that I was upset that you weren't here and offered to take me to the bookstore. She then showed me that you were to busy with your girlfriend to remember." Nico's eyes filled with tears and I immediately felt sick. I- now I remember. Last week we were supposed to meet at three, but I canceled and told him to meet today instead. I feel terrified just looking at him.

"If this was the first time this happened maybe I wouldn't be so mad! But you have been ditching me for almost two months now!"

I glared at him as my anger rises again. "Sorry that I got more people in my life. My life doesn't have to always revolve around you."
He took a step closer to me. I saw the tears in his eyes and immediately felt guilty.


"Get out Will." Nico growls.

I reach forward to say sorry, but he flinches.

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