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Nicos pov

"Willllll, I'll be fine!" Will pouts as Nico swats his hand away. Today was the day he was going back to school.

"I honestly think you're more stressed than I am." Nico says, while grabbing his bag.

"What if you find someone cuter than me and you cheat? What if people bully you? And this means I'll get to see you less, because you'll have homework!"

Nico sighs and shakes his head. "Will I think you forgot that we share an apartment."

Nico walks out the door, dreading what might happen. If Will asks, Nico would deny it, but he is most definitely worried.

Nico arrived at the building, confused when he saw a dreamy-eyed boy standing at his locker. His heart swooned.

"What are you doing here, Will?" You didn't think Nico was about to cheat, right?

"Well, you forgot one thing. We live in the same apartment, meaning we go to the same school." Nico's jaw dropped and he wrapped his arms around Will's shoulders.

"I love you, sunshine."

"I love you too, death boy."

On his way to his first class, he got slammed against the lockers by two girls.

"Hey, F**" Nico flinched at the name, as the girls scooted closer.

"We can cure you, you know. You're hot, it's not that late to be saved. All you have to do is kiss me." The girl muttered, getting closer to Nico's lips. This girl is as bad as empousi, Nico thought.

He rolled his eyes and shouldered past them, giving them the middle finger (the one that also happened to have a promise ring from his boyfriend) as he walked away.

When the day ended, he walked to Will and told him about what happened.

"Will, Will, it's okay." He tried to calm his boyfriend down as he marched towards the girls.

Will took a deep breath and hugged Nico closer to him.

"If it ever, ever, gets bad, shadow travel away. Okay?"

Nico nodded and kissed Will's neck. Will held him closer. He had a small feeling that in about a hour the girls would get sick.

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