Spin the bottle (human au)

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Nico's pov

Today there was a party Hazel was forcing me to go to because my crush was there. She does know that I'm shy and awkward and will just embarrass myself, right?

"Come on!" Hazel practically drags me out of the car.

"Hazel, Nico, no drinking. Don't want you to be like Mr.D." My dad told us. He was talking about my old teacher who was a little-okay a lot crazy.

"We won't dad." Hazel says as she pulls on my hand, dragging me into my doom. Why does Hazel like these, I think as I see the people filling the room.

I see the blonde haired boy and screech, turning around. "Hazel, I can't. I can't." I say as she shoves me forward towards him.

"You can. I'm not going to let you waste an opportunity. He's right there." She shoves me forward and I trip. I just so happen to trip right into his arms.

"Hey Will." I say as calm as possible.

"Oh hey Neeks." Neeks? The only person that calls me that is Hazel.

I turn around and see Hazel smiling evilly at us. I roll my eyes. "Sorry about that." I say while glaring at Hazel.

"It's all right. I like that you fell for me." Will winks. I blush immediately. "I'm kidding. I'm kidding," Will laughs.

"Hey! Who wants to play spin the bottle?" I hear Percy call from behind us.

Hazel runs up and grabs my arms dragging me to the circle as I groan. She sits down, tugging my arm down as she sat. Why did I have to do this?

"I'll go first." Percy says. He spins the bottle, and it just so happens to land on his girlfriend Annabeth. Of course. I swear it's rigged or something.

They kiss for 35 long and boring seconds, pulling back so Annabeth could ask the dreaded question; "who wants to go next?" Hazel grabs my arm and lifts it for me. I'm too lazy to tug it back down or fight her on it.

"Here, Nico." Annabeth hands me the bottle and of course, like the embarrassment I am, I drop the bottle. Sadly, because someone hates me, it doesn't break.

"Sorry," I mutter, looking at Hazel and her evil smirk as I spin the bottle. It spins, and spins, and spins, until it lands on..... Drew. My heart drops as I see who it landed on. Why? I don't want to kiss her! Or any girl for that matter.

I quickly glance at Will and see his face has dropped a little. Is Solace jealous?

"Oh, I'm so not kissing him!" Drew says in disgust as she scrunches her nose.

I sigh. "It's fine. I'll just give the bottle to someone el-"

"I'll kiss him if she doesn't want to." Will stands up and I feel my heart leap. Dam Nico calm down. It's just a game that he doesn't want me to be left out of. He doesn't like me.

I look at Hazel and see her eyebrows raised with a huge smile. I nod and Will walks over.

"Can I kiss you?" Will asks as we get closer. I nod eagerly and he smashes our lips together. It's like sweet and salty mixing together. Everything felt as though it was a melody. I sigh and shove my hand into his hair, forgetting we have an audience until I hear whooping.

I pull back and see Leo Valdez, Jason Grace, and Hazel clapping. "I've wanted to do that for a while. I like you Nico."

"I like you too, Solace." I kiss him one more time before walking back to Hazel and screeching. Best night ever.

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