Sickly p2

692 13 7

Wills pov

Will had been feeling dizzy and nauseous for a day now. Being a doctor, this often worried people. Nico had come by to just talk to him, but Will didn't want to talk.

"Please Nico, please go."

Nico looked hurt. Will didn't want to hurt Nico, but he didn't know if he was contagious. Will broke out coughing.

"Will? Will are you okay!?"

"Fine," but Wills voice was strained, showing he was definitely not fine.

Will tried to lead Nico out the door, but when he stood up he fell.

"Sit back down," Nico pleaded.

Will listened and sat back down.

"Please go Nico."

Nico left him, and Will started to regret his choice. He felt lonely. He closed his eyes thinking of the black haired boy.

When he opened his eyes Nico was sitting next to him.

"Nico?" Wills voice came out weak.

"I'm here." Nico reached for his hand.

Then he noticed the other person in the room.

"I hear you need some healing. Here take this."
Apollo handed him a blue vial. Will took it and immediately felt better. Apollo talked to him a bit longer then left Will with Nico.

"Look, when I was sick you yelled at me for keeping it secret. I'm not gonna yell, just please, you are a doctor you know you shouldn't keep it secret."

Will nodded. He remembered that day. The day he and Nico got together. Nico leaned forward and kissed Wills head.

"Are you feeling better?"


Nico nodded, "I gotta go train, but I'll check on you later. I love you."

"Love you too."

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