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Nicos pov

Will was chosen to go on a quest. He wasn't sure who the next two were, but he hoped one was him.

"Will, you should go alone on this quest,"Chiron told him.

Will gave Chiron  a knowing nod. What about me, Nico thought. Quests are dangerous, he had already lost Bianca to one. Nico couldn't lose Will. He grabs Wills arm.

"What about me?" His voice cracks in the middle of the sentence.

"I need to do this alone. It's going to be okay."

"I already lost my sister to one. I can't lose you!"

Gods Nico, don't say stuff like that. It will scare Will off. Nobody likes being friends with him when he is like that.

Instead of walking away like Nico thought Will would, he wrapped his arms around Nico.

"I'll only be gone for three days. Okay?"

Nico nodded. Will already had the supplies he needed and was about to leave.

"I love you, sunshine."

"I love you too, death boy."

Will walked away, and that was the last Nico ever saw of him.

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