Human AU

385 11 8

Will's pov

I sat down on the bus, ready to go home. Working at a hospital an hour away from home when you have no car is the dumbest decision one could make.

I throw my bag to the floor and close my eyes. Usually, my seat is all to myself, but I feel somebody sit next to me. My hand reaches to the pepper spray I keep in my pocket as I open my eyes.

A boy about my age is sitting next to me, earbuds in his ears. My eyes search over him in a state of bi panic. He is hot. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. What is the best way to start a conversation?

"Hey. Can I take your temperature? Because you look hot." Will, I think that is about the dumbest thing you have ever said. He's going to be creeped out. Oh my gods.

The boy opened his eyes and raised an eyebrow. "Hi?" Oh his voice. It's so soothing. Stop simping Will.

"Sorry about the line."

"No it's fine. It was actually kind of funny, in a dumb way." I smile for the first time today.

"I'm Will."

"Nico. I take it you're a doctor?" How did he know? I don't know, the scrubs? The pick-up line?


Nico nods. "My sister used to be a doctor."

"Oh what is she now?"

"Dead." He says without hesitation. What? Oh my gods, WILL! Why don't you think?

"Oh I'm so sorry!"

He nods. "It's fine."

"So what do you do?" I ask trying to change the topic.

"Musician." That's so hot. Shut up Will.

I nod and close my eyes, a sudden tiredness taken over my body. I drift off to sleep.

When I open my eyes I notice Nico on my shoulder. I smile and take out a piece of paper.

Call me 728-027-3836

I slip in on his phone and get up to get off the bus.

"Please call me, sunshine." I whisper and get off the bus.

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