Coming out

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Will's pov

Piper had pulled Nico and Will aside. Will wondered how she was doing with Jas...nevermind.

"What do you need Pipes?" Will asks as he puts an arm around his boyfriend.

"I'm bi. I just wanted to come out to somebody, and I thought it would be easiest to come out to the gay boys."

Will smiles. He already knew this, Apollo and him talked about the latest drama just last Friday. I guess Apollo didn't tell her.

"That's great Pipes! Welcome to the club."

Nico smiles and hugs Piper, which is rare for him to hug anyone, he took forever to even warm up to me.

"Wait, you're bi?" Piper looked up.

Will smirked. "Everyone assumes I'm gay. I'm actually bi with a preference for boys," Under his breath he adds, "especially Nico." Luckily Nico didn't hear it, because he was sure that Nico would hit him. Hard.

"So, is there a lucky someone?" Will asks, kissing Nico's head as he thinks of his someone.

"Yeah, Shel, my closest human friend."

Will smiled as he saw Piper go into thought about her partner.

"What are their pronouns?" Will always felt a need to ask that, so he didn't misgender anyone.


"Well, I got to go it's Nico's and mine date night. I'm glad you told us." Will and Nico waved and laced their hands together as they headed to Nico's cabin. (TO CUDDLE NOT ANYTHING ELSE UOU DIRTY MINDED PEOPLE)

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