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Wills pov

Nico and him had been dating for almost a year now. It made Will happy to think about. He still remembers the first time Nico called him his boyfriend (it'll be in another story) and how happy that made him. Every time he looks at Nico his heart skips a beat.

They were at Wills table eating breakfast, which Nico started joining him again after they saved the voice in Tatarus. A new camper walked past and checked Nico out.

Lots of girls check Nico out, but he was fine with that because Nico didn't like girls. This time it was a boy who checked Nico out, Nico definitely noticed and blushed. He tried to tell himself Nico blushed form embarrassment but that didn't help.

Will did not like that. Nico was his. He got this sick feeling in his stomach, he felt like he was going to puke, but at the same time he wanted to punch that kids face in. He went with the safer option and claimed Nico by kissing him and muttering "mine," against Nicos lips.

Nico kissed back, but when Will pulled away he rolled his eyes.

"Gods Will, that wasn't needed."

Will raised an eyebrow, "you didn't like it?"

Nico laughed, "no I did, I just would never leave you. Not for anyone else. And I'm yours as long as your mine."


The new camper walked past again and Will glared at him. He seemed to get the message and he ran away. This time Nico was the one to kiss Will. It only lasted a few seconds, but it felt amazing. Gods this little black haired, black souled boy was so adorable. His little ball of death.

As Will leaned in for another kiss, they heard someone singing. The couple turned around to see Percy doing the hula and singing under the sea, while Annabeth was facepalming. Leo then joined Percy with this girl is on fire. This camp is amazing. Not as amazing as Neeks though.

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