My sun

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Nico's pov

Chiron walks up to the platform while we are eating. All of us stop what we are doing and look up, worrying that something bad is going to happen. My hand starts shaking, and Will takes mine in his.

"I would like to announce that we will be having an dance, a week from now. The Aphrodite cabin suggested it, saying that it would be a chance for the campers to relax and have fun. The only dress code is you must wear clothes."

Will turns to look at me with a smirk, and raises his hand. "Yes, Will?"

"Does everyone have to go?" I glare at him, knowing why he was asking.

"We hope everyone attends, but it is not enforced." I glare at Will, and he frowns.

Will had brought me to the Apollo cabin. "Guys, convince Nico that he should go."

"The music will be pretty!" Austin and Kayla say in sync. I shake my head and Will groans.

"Nico, I'm not going to force you to go, but I will ask, will you go to the dance as my date?" I smile and feel my ten year old self come out again. He always used to imagine going to a ball with a boy.

"Yes." Will's mouth actually drops, as if he wasn't expecting that answer. I push his chin up and kiss him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around me and kisses back.

"Hey Wi-" Meg walks in and just stops. I pull away from Will and blush, looking at the wall. I hear Austin mutter "thank god, I thought they were gonna never stop," making me blush more.

"What do you need?" Will asks, completely calm.

"I may or may not have kicked a camper in the eye." Meg admits. Will rolls his eyes.

"Again?" Meg nods and Will gets up.

"See you later, Neeks." Will smiles and kisses my cheek. I walk out of the cabin, head to my cabin, and as soon as the door shuts, I let ten year old me come out.

~skip to night of the dance~

"Solace, slow down!" Will drags me to the area where people are dancing, and puts his hands around my waist.

A slow song starts playing and I look up to see who's the dj. Leo. I smile and wrap my hands around Will's neck, and put my head there.

"I love you." Will whispers, and starts singing lyrics in my ear. I sigh and try to scoot closer to Will, even though it's impossible.

"I love you too." I kiss his neck really quickly and look up at his eyes. "I love you so much. You know how the earth depends on the sun to live?" Will nods and I kiss him, before saying the next part. "You're my sun." I lower my voice and whisper it into his ear. Will shivers and kisses me once more.

"You're mine too." Will says as he pulled back. I wasn't ready for him to pull back, so I pulled him back in, as the music changed to some weird song about Solangelo. Hold on, hold on, hold on.

"LEO VALDEZ YOU BETTER RUN BEFORE I SEND YOU TO MY FATHER!" I chase after him as he screams.

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