Questions and answers with Nico!

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Questions, Nico's answers

Hello, today I will be answering the fans questions. (Leave some questions here and I'll do a part two)

What is your sexuality?
Let's just say I like my apples like I like my girls. I don't like apples.

Do you love Will
Do I really have to answer this one? It's embarrassing. Ugh, fine. Yes, moving on.

How did you discover Will could glow?
Well, as I'm sure most of you stalkers know, I'm afraid of the dark. Will and I were hanging out in my cabin. The power had went out because Zeus was having this big fit. I was shaking as Will wrapped me in his arms. And told me, "I've never shown anyone this, but I'm gonna show you if it will help." He took off his shirt and I was confused. Don't get me wrong, I love his abs, but how was this going to help? He started glowing as he exhaled.
And that's how I figured out how my amazing boyfriend, could glow.

How did you realize you were gay?
Wow you guys are getting very specific. It's called Percy Jackson, although I had an idea that I might have had crushes on boys before that, I had never known till then. But if you ever tell Jackson that, I will not hesitate to stab you.

What's the furthest you've gotten with Will?
Wow, okay this-this is where I leave. Bye, LEO DON'T YOU DARE READ THAT! STOP! Okay bye, this information will stay secret.

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