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guys?? I never thought I'd reach 400 views let alone that

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guys?? I never thought I'd reach 400 views let alone that. So thank you! I thought I would update for the first time in a while due to that. This one is about a soulmate au where you can't hear anyone else (not them bumping into something, talking, tapping, etc), until the first time your soulmate makes a noise nearby you. (Making it so they are the first sound you hear)

Nico's pov
I look over at the new kid sitting next to me. Everyone has been so mean to him, ever since he transferred last week. I have been planning a way of being friends with him, but I'm way too shy to do that. What do I do? Go up to him and sign "hey want to sit with me at lunch and eat in pure silence cause we can't talk and I don't know what to talk about?" No.

I stare at his golden hair. It reminds me of little rays of sun on top of his head. Each one seemed to glow a little. I move my eyes from his hair to the tiny dots thrown across his face. I want to trace my finger over it, creating small shapes. And finally, I look to his striking blue eyes. I have never been a fan of eye contact, but I would be willing to do it for unlimited time as long as it were those eyes.

He turns his head as I stare at him, and I quickly avert my gaze, hoping he didn't see me. Gods, if he saw me that would be so embarrassing.

I turn and see that his head is turned back to the board, staring at something I should probably be paying attention to, but something about this boy calls me to him. I look down at his backpack and see the beautiful bi pin. The same jolt of excitement shoots through me as it did the first time I saw it. I start tapping my foot, trying to get the nerves out of my head. Almost suddenly, his gaze flies to mine. I look at him with a questioning look, not even caring that I got caught staring. Something about his gaze was so intense, I couldn't break it.

Tap. My eyes widen. Tap tap tap. I see Wills hand moving on his desk, synchronized with the noises I hear. My stomach drops. I quickly start to tap my foot again, him and I never breaking eye contact once.

It feels like I can't breath. Am I imagining it? I finally break eye contact with Will to stare at the clock. 1 more minute of school left. I sign to Will, not willing to speak, not yet. I want that to be a more private moment.
Meet me at parking spot 105

The bell rings and I grab my bag and run to my locker, trying to be super fast at opening it. But of course, still being shocked cause me to have shaky hands. I take a deep breath in and shake my hands, then proceed to open it. Nothings in here? Oh yea, I put it all in my backpack earlier. Dang it! Why did I have to waste time?

I quickly sprint out to the parking lot, eyes dancing from car to car until I spot mine, with the prettiest sight next to it. I slow down my steps, trying to regain my breathing. Will waits patiently at my car, staring at me.

When I finally get to the car, I don't get inside. I lean up against the car, right next to him. Our shoulders were touching, my breathing ragged, as I'm sure he could hear.

He turns and smiles at me. Gods his lips, how did I forget to mention his lips? All I want to do is touch them, and crush mine against his.

He leans down closer to me. "So, Nico, right?" I can hear him. His voice. It felt mesmerizing. I nod.

"Will, right?" He nods, his eyes moving from mine, to a lower part of my face. "Can I take you somewhere?" I ask abruptly. Geez, Nico that sounds like you're going to murder him.

Will nods and jumps into the car. "This whole talking thing is weird," he whispers as he shuts his door. I hum in agreement, and his smile widens.

About 20 minutes have passed, us talking for the whole time, and we are finally at my favorite place. I get out of the car and quickly open up his door for him, looping his arm with mine as I tug him into the bushes.

"Ow! Nico, you're dragging me into all the plants." Will laughs, and my heart drops at the sound.

"Too bad, because I'm not letting go." He rolls his eyes but doesn't protest.

"How much fu-" Will cuts himself off as we walk through the last bush, being met with a  small lake.

I watched as he sits down on the grass, tugging my arm down with him. I laugh and sit down next to him.

"It's so crazy, being able to hear noises. The birds singing, the cars engine, rocks hitting tne window, the water moving. I lover every sound. I'm trying to keep them each wrapped up and collected in my head, in case I never get to her them again. And gods, your voice. I could listen to it for an infinite amount of time and not get bored." Will says after a few moments of silence. He looks down at me, who is laying on his chest. I lift my head slightly, pressing my lips against his.

He tastes like candy. Not the chocolate ones, the fruity ones. The kind you would steal from doctors offices. He kisses back softly, as I wrap my arms around his neck. He is now holding me in his arms, straddled in his lap. I smile against his lips and pulled back.

"Can I get to know more about you, Soulmate?"
We talk until the moon comes out, cuddling one another. It's the best day I've had in a lifetime. I never want this feeling soaring through my body to end.

"See you tomorrow, Sunshine," I whisper as he walks up to his house.

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