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Although I feel like Nico doesn't celebrate Christmas, I was in the mood for some fluff so I wrote this.

Wills pov

"Nico!" Will hit Nico with a pillow. It was Christmas morning!

"Dada!" Bianca squealed, trying to get Nico up.

"Ugh." Nico sat up and smiled, but before he could say anything else Bianca and Will pulled him downstairs.

Bianca was ripping through her presents. Every one. She kept smiling and giving a full report on the order she was going to play with them.

"Here." Nico shoves a present on Wills lap while he sips his black coffee.

He rips open the wrapping paper, and Bianca comes over suddenly interested.

"What is it daddy?"

"I don't know hon, I'm trying to see." He laughs and finally get the wrapping paper off.

It was a box. He opened it and saw a note
Scavenger hunt!

The food gets cold as my heart.

He smiled up at Nico. Will didn't know he could plan something like this. Will jumps to his feet and checks the freezer. There was a note stuck to the broccoli.

I  love you, Bianca, and the dark flavor.

Will immediately knows he's talking about his coffee. He grabs the mug Neeks is drinking out of, ignoring his complaints and checks the bottom. No note. Will runs to the coffee maker.

There it is

Check the coldest place in the house

Will knew that Nico thinks he's cold hearted so he walked up to him. He hands Will a present while sipping coffee.

He rips it open to see another note.

Camp will always be our home.

He has no clue what that meant. His shirt? Nope. His camp medal? Nope. Then Will realized one thing he didn't check. Nico's Dionysus mythomagic. He sees a note on top of it.

Present is in the attic.

He ran to the attic and saw a big black box. He ripped off the wrapping paper and inside was a small black cat and Nico.

Will smiled. He had been asking for a cat for years.

He grabbed Nico out first and handed him his present. It was a ton of rings and black stuff and an I love you card.

Will pulled the cat out and cuddled it. It was the best Christmas ever.

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