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i sat outside the car alone, bucky was late. nearly ten minutes late, i sighed and stared at the boots on my feet, using a little saliva to wipe away the marks on them. there were thudding footsteps entering the room and i looked at the door to see bucky walking in. he looked angry as shit. the second he saw me sitting there he scowled,

"seriously y/n?" he shouted, steam practically flowing out of his ears.
"what? you're the one who's late" i replied, dusting myself off as i stood up.
"why'd you tell tony that i cant fight? and that i act like a fucking child" he spat. i ignored him and got into the car.
"y/n why the fuck did you tell him i can't fight and that i act like a child?" he repeated.
"you're repeating yourself" i murmured, pulling on my seatbelt.
"no you're repeating yourself" he replied. i looked over at him,
"that made no fucking sense you knob".
he shuffled around on his feet,
"well answer the question then" he said, getting in and slouching in the drivers seat.
"well, because i don't want to work with you" i replied simply.
"so fucking childish" he muttered as he started the car.
"why would i want to work with someone who a. killed my sister when he was in another mind state and b. thinks i'm a fucking slut. answer me that barnes?" i spat back. bucky went quiet,
"that's what i thought" i scoffed and leaned back on the leather seat.

we arrived at the base, i walked in first, leaving metal machine in the car. he quickly jumped out and followed behind me, as usual, we both went in different directions. after i had cleared my side and picked up a few files that i found, i went over to bucky's side to see him fighting with a group of men. he took most of them down but didn't see the one creeping up behind him as he reloaded his gun.
now, as much as i'd love to see the fucker die, i don't want an angry american soldier to scream at me again.
i pulled out my gun and aimed, pulling the trigger to see the bullet slice satisfyingly through his forehead. bucky span around to see the dead man on the floor and turned back around to find where the bullet came from. he made eye contact with me as i stood there, with the gun held in my two hands.

without any words said between us, we went back into the car. the ride back was silent, so silent that even i was uncomfortable. i saw his hand reach out and press on the radio, turning it on.
"thanks" bucky said quietly, "for earlier".
"okay" i replied, not expecting him to thank me.
"you could've just let him kill me you know? i didn't need your help". he blurted out. my hands gripped the pockets of my trousers, annoyed that he had the audacity to scold me for helping his ass.
"trust me i didn't want to" i replied back.
"then why did you?" he asked, i shuffled a bit on the seat,
"cause steve would lose his shit"
"you know, i don't think steve's actually sorry about what he said. i mean to be honest y/n what he said was true, it did happen a while ago and i did apologise". he babbled. my mouth dropped open,

"stop the car" i said sternly. he continued driving and ignored my request,
"stop the fucking car barnes". i hissed, he sighed and pulled over to the side of the road, turning his body around to face me.
"what?" he asked. before i could stop myself, my hand met his cheek abruptly.
"don't you dare bring up anything about my sister" i said before unclicking my seatbelt.
bucky held his stinging cheek and frowned at me,
"what the hell are you doing?" he asked. i opened the car door and got out,
"i'm walking back". i stated before slamming the door.

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