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"you better keep in touch y/n" devi sighed, pulling me into a hug. i nodded and pulled out of the hug, slightly sad that i had to go back.
"i'll definitely visit again dev" i smiled, before saying goodbye to her and john. scott thanked them both before jogging after me, as we made our way to the airport gate.

"she wasn't as bad as you said she'd be" scott said as we walked to our plane seats. i grumbled a response and slumped down on the seat, grabbing my eye-mask from my pocket and putting it on my head.
"so what did you do after the party?" scott asked, poking my arm. i froze and gave him a sheepish smile,
"you didn't" he gasped, eyes widening. i nodded slowly,
"i did" i admitted. he chuckled and shook his head,
"who was the guy?"
"some guy called christian and before you ask, he was good" i sighed, remembering the night.
"you know, bucky won't be happy" scott whispered. i rolled my eyes,
"why should i care if bucky's happy?" i murmured, pulling my eye mask over my eyes. scott tutted,
"don't tell him about it though" i added quickly, pulling off my eye mask. he nodded and held his pinky out as he promised not to.

by the time our flight was over and we had landed back in new york, it was very late at night. i decided not to bother happy by asking him to pick us up so we called a taxi and made our way back.
"thanks for letting me come" scott said quietly as we walked into the lift.
"thank you for coming along" i smiled, we made small talk before the lift doors opened to his floor.
"goodnightttt" he stretched, grabbing his suitcases.
"goodnight" i hummed, he gave me a little wave as the lift doors closed.

when i walked into my room, pietro lay asleep on the floor. a small rectangular cloth laying on the floor beside him with paintbrushes and paint surrounding it, it read the words 'welcome back". i smiled to myself and flicked the light on before making my way to the bathroom. after getting freshened up, i lifted pietro's head up and slid a pillow under before throwing a blanket over him. just as i was about to get into bed, there was a knock on my door. i opened it to see bucky standing there in his pyjamas, a tired smile on his face.
"y/l/n" he greeted, i nodded at him,
"barnes" i replied, before opening the door and walking towards my bed.

he followed me in and sat on the edge of the bed, looking at pietro who was passed out on the floor.
"how was your trip?" he asked, staring at me intently as if i had changed.
"pretty good. how was your boring life without me?" i asked teasingly.
"much more interesting" he smirked. i chuckled and shook my head. bucky frowned, reaching his hand out. his cold, metal fingers poked my neck lightly.
"what happened there?" he whispered. i grabbed my phone and opened the camera to see a small hickey on my neck. i gave him a sheepish smile,
"hair straighteners burnt my neck" i chuckled, not wanting to deal with him being pissed at me, he believed me thank god. we chatted for a while, mostly about things we had gotten up to. after a while of talking, he stood up and wished me goodnight before walking out of the room.

even though it was nearly five in the morning, i wasn't tired at all. so i flicked netflix on and put on my favourite show. a few hours passed and i woke up, the show still playing on tv. i grabbed my phone and stayed on it for a while, waiting for speedo to wake up. a little while later, pietros arms shot in the air as he groaned and sat up, looking around at the pillow and blankets. his turned turn in my direction and i gave him a little wave as he jumped onto the bed and absorbed me in a hug,
"you have been gone for so long" he grumbled, i chuckled into the crook of his neck and nodded,
"i'm sorry" i smiled. we fell into conversation after that,
"meet anyone you like?" he asked as he grabbed the remote.
"well no, i kinda messed around one night but.." i mumbled. he nodded before smirking at me,
"does bucky know?" he asked. i sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose,
"no, he doesn't need to and he doesn't have to" i said, punching pietros shoulder lightly.
"you are the boss" pietro chirped, giving me a salute. i chuckled and nodded.

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