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nearly a month had passed since bucky and i had gone on a small date together and might i add, basically admitted our feelings to each other. the both of us had thrown away the feelings we had for each other, keeping it merely professional. we were quite good friends, watching movies together from time to time and suggesting books to read. of course, this wasn't going to last.

"you're going where now?" tony asked, following me around in the kitchen, trying to get me to repeat what i had just told him.
"i'm going to switzerland" i said, gripping onto glass i was holding. he scratched the back of his neck and looked around,
"how long?"
"a month, my cousins getting married and i'm helping her move in" i explained. tony nodded,
"what if we need you?" he asked. i gave him a cheeky smile,
"then i'll be there". satisfied with the answer, he made his way back to the lab.

"what the hell are you doing?" bucky asked, staring at the suitcase which lay open on my bed. i threw a few shirts in and looked at him, a small smile on my face.
"-are you running away?" he added. i snorted with laughter and shook my head,
"switzerland and no i'm not running away barnes" i chuckled, zipping up the suitcase. he looked at me, confusion splattered all over his face. after a little bit of explaining, he nodded and made his way out of my room.
"wait when are you leaving and can i come?" bucky asked, popping his head through the side of the door.
"my flights in six hours and i kinda gave scott the spare flight ticket. but maybe next time barnes" i replied.

"holiday time!" scott shouted, walking to the car. he clutched two big suitcases in his hands and had a party hat on. happy stared at him, judgement all over his face.
"why do you need all that?" i asked, pointing at scott's suitcases. he looked down at my suitcase and frowned, "because i do" he replied. after a short ride, we thanked happy for the lift and made our way to the airport gate.

"i love flying" i murmured, staring out of the window. scott grunted in response and pulled out his phone, beginning to show me pictures of hope.
"she's beautiful" i smiled. he grinned at me and nodded, satisfied with my reply. the flight was pretty long. scott fell asleep, mouth open, snoring and lying on my shoulder. bucky and pietro had been sending me messages non-stop. pietro had said goodbye to me when i was with happy, but bucky didn't even bother.

bucky(19:21) are u ok?
me (19:23) yeah fine
bucky (19:24) what are u doing?
me (19:24) having sex with a flight attendant;)

i chuckled to myself, enjoying the fact that i was annoying him. after a hell of a long flight, scott and i made our way to my cousins place. i wasn't close with her anymore, so i had no clue why she had invited me. but i wasn't going to reject an opportunity to go to switzerland.
"y/n!" she squealed. i looked at scott, his smile widened when he saw the look of disgust on my face. my cousin ran up to me, pulling me into an unnecessary hug.
"devi" i nodded, a fake smile on my face. she grabbed my arm and pulled me into her apartment, ushering scott in.
"look, it's gorgeous isn't it? twelve karat gold, of course john only gets me gold. i despise silver" she explained, staring at the rock on her finger.
"i despise you" i muttered, coughing over my words. scott snorted with laughter but quickly covered it up. devi ignored my statement and brought us all some refreshments.

"so how old is john?" i asked, staring at the ice cubes floating in my drink. devi giggled and raised an eyebrow,
"he's fifty-six" she replied. i choked on my drink, orange juice shooting up my nose.
"i thought you were only twenty six" i said, drying my face. she nodded,
"he treats me well and he's rich" she shrugged.
"gross" scott murmured. i rolled my eyes at him and smiled at devi,
"now, i like your way of thinking" i teased. she chuckled,
"so any men in your life?" devi asked. i shook my head,
"i'm too young" i replied. "you're twenty five" she scoffed.
"exactly" i smiled. she elbowed me lightly,
"come on, there's gotta be one" she whispered.
"there's this one guy called bucky right? and they're like totally in love but the two of them are like 'i hate you so much'" scott interrupted. devi grinned and sat beside scott, engaging in a full blown conversation about bucky and i.

"this is your bridesmaid dress" devi chirped, clapping her hands and presenting the sage green dress. i smiled at her,
"it's gorgeous" i gasped, my fingers smoothing over the silk.
"did you make me your bridesmaid because of what happened to my sister?" i asked, giving her a gentle smile. she sighed and sat down, patting the sofa beside her.
"kinda, but we lost contact after high school and i really wanted you to feel like you still had a family that you could rely on.." she explained, giving my shoulder a squeeze. i chuckled, my eyes watering slightly, missing the softness of small family speeches. pulling her into a hug, she kissed my head lightly, happy that i was okay with her answer.
"okay come on!" she exclaimed, slapping her knees. scott walked in and the both of us stared at devi.
"what?" we both asked. she rolled her eyes,
"we're going shopping!" she squealed, before pulling scott and i out of the apartment.

"i hate shopping" i groaned, staring around at the huge clothes racks around us.
"you need to go shopping" devi murmured, looking at the dresses on sale. scott was in a whole other world, his shopping basket filled to the brim.
"i don't need to go shopping" i sighed. devi frowned at me and looked down,
"with those things..yes you do" she gagged, staring at the knackered converse on my feet. i placed a hand on my chest, pretending to be offended.
"buy something for your boyfriend" devi winked.
"god he's not my boyfriend", i rolled my eyes at her and looked at the stuff in the men's section. my eyes fell upon a shirt with the word 'grandad' on it, so i decided to get it for bucky. of course i got pietro something, a few shirts and a watch, so that the boy could be on time for once in his life.

"well that's one way of expressing your love" scott chuckled, staring at the shirt i had gotten for bucky. devi murmured a small agreement,
"i don't love him or even like him for that matter" i scoffed, punching scott jokingly. he dodged the punch and stuck his tongue out, i walked into the kitchen and grabbed a huge bag of crisps.
"hey no" devi gasped, grabbing the bag out of my hands.
"oh come on" i huffed.
"okay fine maybe one" she shrugged, grabbing a handful of crisps and then passing the bag back to me. i nodded happily and we stared at the shirt before bursting into a fit of laughter.

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