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the next day, i sat on my bed, putting my trainers on, i decided that i was going to go to my favourite spot, a place where no one would bother me. i didn't feel like hanging out with anyone or anything, but going on a small walk to that place would get my mind off that old prick. the nerve of bucky. acting like he actually liked me just so fury would leave us alone, i'm not angry that he doesn't like me, i just think that it was a shitty thing to do.

"hey y/n" steve greeted as i walked in the direction of the lift. i grumbled a hello but kept my head down, i knew that he was aware that bucky and i were on bad terms and honestly, i wasn't bothered to talk about it with him. steve said something, but i ignored it, my mind was in a different place. just as i was about to step into the lift, his strong hand grabbed ahold of my upper arm and pulled me back, turning me towards him.
"what happened with you and buck?" he asked, his voice a mere whisper. i rolled my eyes,
"nothing" i replied,
"come on y/n what-" he began asking again,
"nothing happened okay?" i interrupted, giving him a smile before walking back into the lift.

i walked through the city, it was around seven in the evening and the sun was starting to set, so it was perfect. after turning into different roads and going up and down stairs, i arrived at my safe haven.
"wong" i chirped, a big smile on my face. he grinned at me and opened the door wider, welcoming me inside. wong and i sat together for a while, drinking cups of tea with honey repeatedly. after a while, stephen appeared, looking just as happy to see me.
"every time i walk in here, you're always sitting there" he groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. i rolled my eyes at him,
"you love it when i come round here stephen, don't even lie" i said playfully. he held his hands up in defence and nodded,
"you are good company i must admit" he chuckled. i hummed happily and took another sip of tea.

"think you could do me a favour?" i asked the two men, looking between them. they furrowed their eyebrows at me and nodded slowly,
"i want you to kill barnes" i said bluntly. stephen choked on his tea, wong on the other hand nodded understandingly.
"sounds fair, but why?" wong asked,
"because he-" i began explaining.
"god no we're not doing that, ask for something else" stephen scoffed. i sighed and stared at my shoes, before what i wanted clicked into my mind.
"think you'd be able to contact a friend for me?" i asked, raising an eyebrow. stephen smiled and nodded at me as i told him who i wanted to contact.
"oh and tell him to come over here, not just i dunno, talk to me as a hologram" i added, stephen chuckled. his hands making a portal as he stepped through it and disappeared.

"think i could be a wizard?" i whispered to wong, the both of us lying on the ground as we waited for stephen to come back.
"i don't see why not" wong murmured,
"so you'll teach me?" i gasped, sitting up slightly. he sat up and pushed my shoulders back down before lying back himself,
"no way" he replied. i placed a hand on my chest, pretending to be hurt by his words.
"well then, can i borrow that necklace thingy that stephen wears?" i asked softly. he snorted with laughter,
"there's more chance of him giving it away than letting you borrow it" he chuckled. i scoffed and lifted myself off the ground before plopping onto the sofa.

hours passed, wong and i both had no idea where stephen was, surely it wouldn't take that long to contact him.
"your phone keeps making an annoying noise" wong grumbled, my eyes opened and i realised that i had fallen asleep. i lifted my head off of the sofa, quickly wiping away the spot of drool that i had left behind.
"turn it off" he ordered, his voice tired. i grabbed my phone, squinting slightly as i tried to get my eyesight to focus. i had a bunch of messages from steve and sam, mostly asking where the hell i was and what had happened. i quickly checked the time, nearly dying when i realised that it was now three in the morning.

i ignored their messages and turned my phone off, throwing it beside me.
"god where is stephen?" i grumbled, rubbing at my eyes.
"right here" his voice said. i nearly fell of the seat. looking up, stephen stood in front of me, a small smile on his face. his cloak gave me a little wave,
"well, welcome back" i chuckled, "did he come?" i asked, chewing my lip slightly with anticipation.
"of course i did" a familiar voice interrupted. i span around to see loki standing there, an idiotic grin on his face.

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