Arriving to Coruscant

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" Uhh when are we going to get there Padmé?" You scolded while looking out the window of your transporter seeing how the stars were beautifully aligned . " Patience Y/n we will be there very soon."
Your ship began to approach the yellow-ish looking planet and you could start to see tall buildings with gorgeous lights all around. "So this is Coruscant."

Your shipped finally landed and there were guards all around your ship " I wonder what all these guards are for?" You thought in your head. The doors finally opened reveling Tons of people that looked nothing like the humans from Naboo.

"This is definitely different from Naboo." Padmé said in a soft toned voice. " Indeed." The first thing you noticed was a tall guard standing right at the entrance of the ship. " Greetings Senator Amidala and Y/n Amidala, The Chancellor will escort you inside." The guard said bowing to us both. "I think I can get used to this."

You and Padmé walked up to a tall strange man awaiting for you both."That must be the Chancellor?" you questioned." Chancellor Palpatine." Padmé answered while smiling at you.

" Senator Amidala it is a honor for you to work as Senator for the senate. I understand if  you find anything confusing since you were The Queen of Naboo." " And it is a honor to work with you Chancellor. I'm sure I can pick everything up quickly ."Padmé replied back. You observed the architecture and decor of the building while the Chancellor and Padmé talked and you walking not that far behind. After what it felt like hours walking you came into a long and empty hallway with doors  all along it. "This is where You and Y/n will be staying, make yourselves at home." The Chancellor said while we stood in front of a specific door that looked way different from the others.

You were anxious to see the room, so you open it as soon as the Chancellor left. The door led to a  exquisite apartment. The apartment had two beds with dark blue silk bedding that looked very royal and a balcony. You went out to get some fresh air and you saw the breath-taking sunset that was changing colors right in front of you. "Amazing isn't it." Padmé said in her soft tone voice walking behind you. But suddenly the moment was interrupted by a sad look on Padmé's face.

"I have something to tell you that you need to know." "What is it?" You asked concerned." Well, since I'm Senator I will have to be away more often and I won't see you as much." She said as her voice became hard to hear as it was like she was going to cry. You hugged her thinking it will comfort her."This place is amazing I'm sure I will find something to do while you are doing Senator stuff. Plus we will always be together right?" You smiled and held up a ring that Padmé had identical of that represented that you were always with each other no matter how far or how close you were.

"What would I do without you?"

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