Home on Naboo

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Your eyes finally focused from the bright sun and you saw Naboo. The lake , that was glistening in the light and the beautiful buildings that looked ancient and the mountains who stood nice and tall perfectly across the land. Since you've been back to Naboo you never realized how amazing it was. Anakin also looked amazed by the scenery. "Beautiful isn't it." You said. "Yes, very actually." He agreed. You and Anakin walked towards the palace with Artoo following behind.

You reached the palace seeing Queen JammilIa running up to you. "We've been worried about you. I'm so glad you're safe, Y/n. " The Queen said taking your hands in hers."I'm alright your magesty." You spoke. "Where is Padmé is she alright? Oh please tell me she is alright." The Queen definitely had a favorite between you and Padmé....Which was Padmé. You answered her annoyed but you stayed polite. "Don't worry she is fine back on Coruscant." "Oh and who is this young man?" The Queen asked. "I'm Anakin Skywalker." "So this is your protecter?" The Queen asked. "Indeed." You replied back.

The Queen talked about politics forever. You didn't really listen but you still kept a gentle look on your face."In the meantime, we must consider your own safety." The Queen said. "Your magesty I'm perfectly fine you don't need to-" the Queen cuts you off giving a stare at Anakin."What are your intentions into keeping Y/n safe?" "Well he still just a Padawan learner so I was thinking." You answered before Anakin"Hey, I'm the head of security here." Anakin said out of frustration. "Well your little Jedi has no manners." The Queen spoke. "Excuse me?" You said annoyed. "Anakin is an amazing Jedi your highness and he will do a great job and we are going to go the the little houses by the lake." You spoke.

"Then it's settled." Said the Queen. The Queen then took her throne while you took Anakin's hand walking out of the palace. Once you were in the courtyard you pulled Anakin in a hug."I'm sorry I said that about you Annie." You said. "No I'm sorry M'lady, it was impolite of me to speak like that to you. I deeply apologize." He said. You gave him a nod a started walking again. The both of you walked for awhile until you approached a tiny street with children playing all around and older people watering their plants."Amazing how nothing has changed since I left." You said. A little kid waved to you and Anakin while you both waved back.

Anakin's body started to tremble like he was getting nervous. You gave his hand a tight squeeze letting him know that you're there."There's my house!" You shouted excitedly. You were running but soon to realize that Anakin stayed behind." What? Don't say you're shy!" You laughed."No, of course not!" Anakin said finally catching up to you. You knocked on the door to your house and your oldest sister Sola opened it. "Y/n!" Sola said pulling you into a hug. "Who is this?" She asked pointing to Anakin. "This is Anakin Skywalker my Best friend." You lied. Anakin's face became confused but he went on with what you were doing.

"Come in!" Sola said. You walked into the living room that looked the exact same as always." Y/n?" Both your mother and Father said running through the door. "Oh how good it is to see you again." Your mother said giving you a kiss on your cheek." Oh and who is this handsome man?" She said. "Mom your going to make him uncomfortable, but this is Anakin." You answered . "Is Padmé alright though?" Your father asked. "Yes dad." You said. Your mother was just finishing up the last touches for dinner.

"You're just in time for dinner. I hope you're
hungry, Anakin." Your mother said. "A little" Anakin answered quietly. "He's being polite, Mom. We're starving." You said. Your mom gave you both a big grin."You came to the right place at the right
time. DINNERS READY!" Your mother yelled. You took your seat and Anakin sitting beside you."Do you want to hold my hand ,you seem nervous." You asked quietly to not be heard."No I'm fine, actually can you please." Anakin said. You gave him a smile and held his hand under the table so you could not be seen.

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