The Start Of A New Life

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The next morning it was early, before the sun rise and you woke up to a sudden noise."I'm sorry did I wake you?" Said a soft voice coming from the other side of the room. You looked around and when your eyes finally focused you saw Padmé sitting at her vanity doing her hair in one of her famous up-do's.
"Oh no I was already awake". You lied," Well I need to leave early, I have a meeting with the concil at 6:00 am today."She said not breaking her eye contact from the mirror. The sun was just about to rise to you went out to take a breath of the morning breeze.

Just minutes later Padmé was ready "I have to go now Y/n I will see you when I get back". Padmé gave you a quick kiss on the cheek and leaves you alone in the apartment. As you thought to yourself you got the idea of making Padmé dinner since it was your first day here.

The hallways were silent as you walked through them. It felt like you were walking forever every corner looked the same."how do people get around here" . After walking for a while you found the kitchens where you got ingredients for the meal and went back to your apartment.

Hours have went by, It was around 6:00 pm when you hear the door knob turning revealing Padmé walking in."Did you have f-". As she cut herself off by looking at the dishes on the table." What is this Y/n?" " I made dinner for you since it was our first night here". You said replying. Padmé smiled at you then looked at the dishes you made. They were both gourmet meals that were spaghetti with meatballs and a tad bit of basil on top.

" Where did you get the ingredients from"? Asked Padme. " The kitchens?" You said Answering her question . Padmé's facial expression  changed into a more worrisome look."I want you to stay here while I'm gone Ok?" She said with a very serious face as if she was scared or nervous of something or someone ."Why?" You asked. "I-I just want to know w-where you are at all t-times." She stuttered. You knew something was up but you didn't want to stress her out so you kept it to yourself."It's getting late."

It was around the time of Midnight and the stars were twinkling more than ever. As Padmé was getting ready for bed you asked." Do you have to go everyday?" She gave you a sad look which answered your question."Unfortunately."

"Do you like our new life now?" Padmé said trying to change the subject."Yes, I could ask you the same thing." It's wonderful just kinda you know stressful. Padmé said shrugging her shoulders." Goodnight Y/n, I love you." " I love you to." You replied back.

This was the moment you knew that today was the starting of a New Life.

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