Going back home?

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"Padmé where am I going to go?" You asked. Padmé then gave you a hopeful smile."Back home on Naboo." When Padmé told you this you were filled with excitement " But... I can't come." Padmé added."Why?" You asked."I have a vote that I have to do and I'm just to busy to leave. You on the other hand are not busy and you will be safer this way." She explained.

" But...... you are going to have a Jedi protecter." Padmé added again." Please don't be Master Windu." You pleaded."Nope" Padmé giggled."Anakin!" Padmé smiled . You smiled really big but quickly hid it."Someone seems happy that there going to be alone with a handsome Jedi." Padmé said nudging your shoulder.

Your cheeks became warm and you scolded back at her."Stop! Besides Jedi cannot love it's against the Jedi code." You said."Yeah, but feeling love is just part of being human. And I see the way Anakin looks at you." Padmé said as she winked at you. "REALLY? Oh I mean really?" You said more embarrassed. Padmé nods her head and gives you a big hug.

" Your going to leave as soon as you can which is tomorrow." Padmé said getting under the covers in her bed. "Tomorrow?" You had no time, what were you going to wear? You needed to impress a Jedi. What are you going to bring? Something comfortable or something elegant?.

As again, these thoughts filled your head and you couldn't sleep at all. The next morning you were still wide awake not getting any sleep." Wakey wakey sleepy Y/n." Padmé said as she opened the blinds. You groaned throwing the covers over your head trying to hide from the light." You have a long day ahead of you I suggest getting ready now." She said.

You threw your hair up in a simple hairdo and put on some light make up and comfy but elegant clothes for the long flight to Naboo. "Anakin will be here any minute." Padmé said as she was leaving the room. You were packing the last few things until you heard a voice behind you. "Are you almost ready M'Lady?" You turned around to face the person realizing it was Anakin. Anakin stood there as you turned around admiring every inch of you."Eyes up here Skywalker." You snapped to get his attention. "Sorry."

     "And to answer your question yes I'm ready." You said trying to get your bags. Anakin gave you a smile and took your bags in one hand as he held out his arm with the other."M'Lady?" Anakin said. You took his arm as you walked out of the room heading for the landing platform."You seem nervous." You said."How can you tell?" Anakin asked."Your body language, your hands are shaking and you're sweating." You said with a smile on your face. You noticed that Anakin was embarrassed from being nervous so you changed the subject.

     "I bet Obi wan didn't like the Idea of you protecting me alone." "He hated the idea but trusted the council. I'm going to prove him wrong and that I can do this." He said very confidently. " And I know you can do this Anakin, You're an amazing Jedi." You said trying to reassure him. Anakin's heart became so warm knowing that someone believed in him.

You reached the platform to see Obi wan, Padmé and Master Windu awaiting you. " There you are Y/n!" Padmé said pulling you in a lasting hug. "Ok Padmé that's a little tight." You laughed ."I'm going to miss you so much." Padmé said as a tear rolled down her cheek. "M'Lady. I worry about you. What if they realize you've left the Capital?" Dormé said. "Well then my Jedi protecter will have to prove how good he is, I think he can do it." You said smiling at Anakin.

Obi wan walks over to you two specifically Anakin. "Anakin. Don't do anything without first consulting either myself or the Council." Obi wan said looking at Anakin straight in the eye. "Yes, I know master." "I'm sure he will do amazing Obi wan, he is a really good Jedi. He protected me from that assassin you know." Obi wan gave you a smile."I think he will do great to, it's just he dose not like listening a lot." He said.

Padmé came up to you for one last hug. "Make sure to write to me telling how it's going ok?" Padmé said still holding on to you. You pulled away from the hug to show her the identical rings you both have." We always with each other." You said. "Are you ready to go M'Lady?" Anakin said coming behind you. You gave him a nod walking into your transporter giving everyone one last wave " I swear if anything happens to my sister Skywalker I will kill you." Padmé scoffed." Don't worry Senator Anakin is going to protect Y/n with his life. She will be safe." Obi wan said to Padmé unsure if he even agrees what he said.

You walked into the transporter with Anakin by your side. You watched as the doors closed and the ship was lifting off. "Here is a seat over here M'lady." Anakin said pointing to two Seats next to each other. There was tons of people everywhere and the ship was very crowded so you made sure to stay with Anakin at all times. You took a seat and Anakin took one beside you. Since you didn't get any sleep the night before you were exhausted. "You looked tired M'lady." Anakin said."How can you tell?" You asked rubbing your eyes. "Your body language you're yawing and rubbing your eyes and your reactions are slow." "Impressive!" You laughed.

     "Why don't you get some sleep Y/n, It's a long flight." Anakin said as he took of his Jedi robe and puts them on you like a blanket while you laid your head on his shoulder. You felt a wave of comfort and protection throughout your body causing you to fall into a deep sleep.

     You woke up to a jerk and quickly opened your eyes. As you looked out the window ahead  you saw the beautiful lands of Naboo and to the side of you was Anakin sleeping on your shoulder. "Annie,Annie.Annie." You whispered trying not to scare him. "Hmm" Anakin hummed in response " I'm sorry M'lady, I fell asleep I was just really tired and-" "shhhhhhh" you cut him off "You needed sleep anyways , Not trying to be rude but was it your mother." You asked. "I've been dreaming about her for so long now, Do you think it's a sign of something?" He worried. In your mind it seemed that it was a sign but you did not want to frighten him.

     "I think you're just being consumed by fear, dreams pass on." You reassured. Anakin grabbed your bag out of the compartments and held out his hand. You smiled an took his hand intertwining his fingers with yours. His hands were soft and his smile was charming and his eyes were sparkling in the sunlight. You felt butterflies in your stomach. The doors of the transporter opens revealing the bright light of the sun and the warm breeze of Naboo.

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