You're Not Safe here

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It's been a few months since you first arrived to Coruscant and Padmé has been very busy ever since.

You heard three knocks on the door to your apartment so you crack the door open to see who it was." It's ok just me." Padmé said."Sorry I didn't know who it was". There was a brief pause before Padmé spoke up " I have news..., I have to go to Naboo for a while to negotiate." You were amazed that Padmé was finally going to go back to your home planet.

"That's wonderful but, what would I do." You asked. "You are going to be protected by Jedi Master Windu, He will teach you some self defense." She replied. "Self defense?" Thinking in your head.

Padmé had just finished packing her bags and was about to leave." Y/n I want you to listen to me very closely" She said putting her hands on your shoulders."Please be safe ,I don't want you to leave this room unless you are told to. I love you so much!" You smiled as one of the guards took her bags and left the room, her following behind.

It was a lot different now since Padmé has left and Master windu has taught you how to use a blaster.You have been writing to Padmé since she has left Coruscant. Today was the day she was arriving back and you were anxious to see her again.

You waited for minuets that turned into hours staring at the door knob thinking it will turn any second but you were wrong Everything went silent then CRASH! "What was that" Thinking to yourself as you ran out of the room investigating what had just happened. After running through the long empty hallways, you arrived at the landing platform seeing that Padmé's ship exploded.

"Cordè.." Padmé said while her decoy is dying in her arms. "...I'm so sorry, M'Lady... I'm... not sure I... I've
failed you, Senator." Were Cordé's last words before she died. The captain approached Padmé,"M'Lady, you are still in danger here." Padmé looked ahead at you with a depressing face" I shouldn't have come back." She runs to you and pulls you into a lasting hug."I'm so glad your safe Y/n." She said has her voice was cracking and tears in her eyes. The captain puts a hand on Padmé's shoulder."This vote is very important. You did your duty - Cordé did hers. Now come." Padmé just stood looking at the dead bodies on the ground thinking it was all her fault."Senator Amidala, please!" The captain repeated. " Come on Padmé."You insisted, She turned around and went off with you and the captain.

You and Padmé walked around the building until you approached this massive room with pods everywhere. "Come now." Padmé said as we got in one of the pods. You weren't really into politics but you could here people debating how they don't feel protected by the Jedi.

It is with great surprise and joy the chair
recognizes the Senator from Naboo, Padmé Amidala. The Chancellor said. " Thank you Chancellor, Less than an hour ago, an assassination attempt was
made against my life. One of my bodyguards and six others were ruthlessly and senselessly murdered. I was the target but, more importantly, I believe this security measure before you, was the target. I have led the opposition to build an army... but there is someone in this body who will stop at nothing to assure its passage." The room then filled up with boos and yells and you can tell that this was annoying Padmé.

I warn you, if you vote to create this army, war
will follow. I have experienced the misery of war
firsthand; I do not wish to do it again." Padmé saying over the yells. It felt like everyone was going back and forth for hours Finally Chancellor Palpatine closed it. "Due to the lateness of the hour and the seriousness of this motion, we will take up these matters tomorrow. Until then, The Senate stands adjourned."

You and Padmé both exited the room."It's absolutely frustrating how stubborn some of the Senators are." Padmé said out of frustration."Padmé, you are an amazing Senator I'm sure you will do great." You said trying the reassure her. She gave you a hopeful smile then took you back to your apartment.

"I'm going to see master Yoda and master Windu for a while you stay here and be safe." Padmé said as she walked out of the room. You were bored, It was getting late and Padmé still wasn't back so you went out to luckily find where she was at.

You walked by a door and heard a faint soft toned voice inside, So you eavesdropped trying to hear what she was saying. "Thank you , Master Yoda. Do you have any idea who was behind the attack?" The soft voice said you then knew that it was Padmé. Our intelligence points to disgruntled spice miners, on the moons of Naboo." Master Windu answered. "But I think that Count Dooku was behind it." Padmé said. You looked through the tiny crack in the door and could see that the Jedi were shocked at her answer.

"Who is Count Dooku?" You thought to yourself."You know, M'Lady, Count Dooku was once a Jedi.
He couldn't assassinate anyone. It's not in his character." Master Windu spoke up . You listened into what the Jedi's ideas was into keeping Padmé and you safe. "Master Jedi, may I suggest that the Senator be placed under the protection of your graces. You heard Palpatine spoke. "That is completely unnecessary Chancellor." Padmé tried to argue."It will keep you and Y/n safe, Until we find out who this person is." " Come on Senator do it for me and Y/n" The Chancellor said. You saw Padmé trying to make a decision."I will do it only for Y/n, to keep her safe."

"I will have Obi-Wan report to you immediately,
M'Lady."Master Windu said before walking out. You hid to not be seen by the Jedi but once Padmé walked out you wrapped your arms around her in a big hug."What have I said about leaving the apartment Y/n" Padmé stated."I want to know what's going on Padmé." You said in a serious tone."Very well then." You both arrive at the room and she sits you on her bed " Y/n I-I there is someone that is trying to kill us specifically me, I'm sure they don't know that you exist, and I don't want them to know you exist." You sit there looking at her shocked."That is why I don't want you to leave the room at all just so you can be protected.There was an attempted assassination on my ship from Naboo." Tears started to form in Padmé's eyes the more she spoke.

"Y/n, you listen to me right now You're not safe here."

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