Whats Happeing To Me

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"There is something wrong with me." You stated. "Now Y/n there is nothing wrong with you. But this doesn't seem like yourself." "It's not myself I felt something."Obi wan cocked an eyebrow in confusion.  "What did you feel?" He asked. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes. "The force. I think I felt the force." Obi wan's eyes widened and was a lost of words. "I- how is that possible though, none of your family has a history of being a Jedi." He said. "I know but there was a voice calling me." "What did it say?" He whispered. " It said "Use the force Y/n it will guide you.""

"I have never heard of this before." He noticed your uneasiness and attempted to comfort you by putting a reassuring hand on your shoulder "Don't panic there is nothing wrong with you.". "But..." he sighed. " I'm afraid this is out of my hands. We better go talk to Master Windu and Master Yoda." He added. You nodded you head and walked with him to this room with ginormous doors. Obi wan waved his hand and used the force to open it. "Greetings Master Kenobi and Y/n." Said Yoda.

"Y/n seems to have some connection with the force." Obi wan got right to the point. "Sensed it I have." Said Yoda. "Hmm no one in Y/n's family was claimed to be a Jedi. Do we give her a blood test?" Said Master Windu. "I don't think that's necessary." "She claims a voice was calling her saying use the force it will guide you." You fiddled with your hands more as the conversation continued. "The force is strong with young Y/n." "Wait so that means-" "the force has called Y/n it has." Yoda interrupted.

"We will have to discuss this later, debating if Y/n should have training or not." Master Windu said. "Very well then." You walked out with Obi wan and sauntered around the building. "It seems you already have a strong connection with the force." "I don't know how that's possible though." You sighed. "We'll figure this out together. In the mean time can you check on Anakin he should be in the medical wing. Also tell him that we have a meeting tomorrow morning. He smiled. "Of course."

You walked away trying to find the medical wing. A door was cracked and you peeked through to see Anakin laying asleep in a medical bed. "He is doing just fine." Said a medical droid coming out of nowhere. You sprinted next to him gently caressing his arm, his eyes flutter open and he smiled at the sight of seeing you. "How are you feeling?" You asked. "Could be better. I should be released by tomorrow morning." "That's good, how's the arm?" Anakin held up his arm it was a mechanical hand. "Works like a real one. Hey, you looked worried are you alright?" He asked. He's on to something now so you had to put on a fake smile. "I'm alright."

     "I'll let you sleep, the Jedi council said that you have a meeting with them tomorrow." "Oh great." He rolled his eyes. You were about to leave his side when he grabbed your arm. "I love you." He whispered. "I love you too." You looked around to see if anyone was watching, Finally you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and walked back to your room that you shared with Padmé.


     "Padmé?" You asked strolling into the room, It looked the exact same since you left, the covers were still messed up, all of your clothes were still strung everywhere and the lamp beside your bed was still on. You figured Padmé was just having a late meeting.

     The sun was just about to set over the horizon it was beautiful. It consisted of different shades of pink and red. "Sorry Y/n, I tried to get back here as fast as I could." Padmé said sprinting through the door. She immediately took your hand and sat down next to you. "So tell me all about it." She smiled. "Well, we arrived at Naboo I saw Mom and Dad and we somehow got in a argument." "How?" She asked. "Well you know you were always the favorited and I finally stuck up for myself." "The more I have grown the more I have realized how much they mistreated you Y/n. I'm sorry." "It's not your fault." You assured. "Then, Anakin and I had a picnic in the fields and had dinner at this nice place yeah that's kind of it."

     "Wait, how did you end up all the way to Geonosis then." She said crossing her arms. You were afraid that she would ask that question. "I guess I can't lie. Anakin had had these dreadful nightmares of his mother dying, it became too real for him so we went to Tatooine where unfortunately his mother died in his arms. We were going to leave until we got a message that Obi wan needed help, so we traveled to Geonosis and we ended up in a terrible situation. I even got the chance to talk to Count Dooku." "WHAT!" Padmé's mouth dropped. "You talked to Count Dooku?!!" "Yes.." you mumbled.

     "Do you know how dangerous that is. He's a Sith Lord! Also just a reminder that he also betrayed the Jedi council." Padmè talked way to fast but she quickly took a deep breath and calmed herself down. Well, I'm glad your safe. You've had a long day, go get some rest." She yawned. She was right, it has been a long day it was to much to really take in after all the fighting and deaths and injuries it was just mentally exhausting.


     Padmé had already left early that morning and there was a knock on the door. Anakin stood there as you opened it with a cheesy smile on his face. "What are you so happy about." You laughed. "Well I talked to the council and they decided that for safety precautions I'm going to escort you back to Naboo for a while longer." He smiled. "That's amazing when are we leaving?" "Well I wanted to talk to you about something." He said closing the door behind him. He took your hands in his gently rubbing them with his thumb.  "Y/n, I fell in love with you since I first saw you. And through all of the adventures, laughs, injuries and cries that we had I had fallen even more in love. He dropped to one knee and pulled out a small box that contained a small diamond ring.

"Will you marry me?"

" Was this really happening?"

It was going to be an immediate yes but then you hesitated. Yes, you loved him with all of your heart but what about him. A Jedi is forbidden to love. If the council finds out then he will be expelled then all that he has worked so hard far would just be a waste."Should we take the risk". "Annie I would but..." "No! We both  obviously feel the same way about each other. Y/n I want to spend the rest of my life loving and protecting you. Please. I don't care about the damn council or Jedi order. I don't care if I get expelled or kicked out. As long as I get stay with you...I don't care about anything. " He interrupted. Those words flooded through your brain. "Did he really care about you that much?" Just the way he spoke the word like he truly meant it and he truly loved you. You had an answer.

"Yes I will. I will marry you Anakin Skywalker"" You threw your arms around him as he spun you around. "I love you dearly." He whispered in your ear.


    "We should go now." Anakin took your hand in his and walked you to a transporter.This time on the ride to Naboo it was shorter, because you were to focused on Anakin and how you were getting married to him. The ship landed and he took your arm running down to the dock where you got back on another water speeder to the lodge. Your stuff was still in the room and Anakin grabbed your face to look at him. "I want our wedding to be today." "WHAT? TODAY? What is he thinking." "T-Today?" You stuttered out of being surprised. "We will have to do it as soon as possible so the council doesn't find out. I will set up the ceremony, you just need to worry about yourself." He lightly kissed your lips and walked off.

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