The Wedding

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It came so soon. You were expecting it to at least come tomorrow. You grabbed a white dress from one of the markets in Naboo, Since today was a special day you did your hair in a style that Padmé taught you when you were younger. Anakin was no where to be found.

It was time...on the balcony there was a Holy man and Anakin waiting for you. You closed your eyes and opened them when you walked out. Anakin's eyes were fixed on you. As you got closer you could practically see the sparkle of his tears in his eyes. Your trail draped behind you, and your veil swayed in the wind.

You reached in front of him and a few tears rolled down his eyes. "Today, we are celebrating the marriage of Anakin Skywalker and Y/n Amidala. Now, Anakin do you have anything you would like to say to Y/n." Said the holy man. "Y/n, when I first walked in I was shocked by your beauty. Throughout all the times we have almost been killed I fell in love with you each second." He sobbed. "Annie, I have always felt the same way about you and I was scared to admit it but I have now learned that I don't have to hide my feeling anymore." "Anakin, do you take Y/n to be your beloved wife and love and comfort her until the day she dies." Spoke the holy man. "I do." It was your turn. "Y/n, Do you take Anakin to be your beloved husband and love and comfort him until he dies." Thoughts filled your head did you make the right choice? "I- I do." "I pronounce you both husband and wife."

Anakin held out his right metal hand and held your hand tightly in his. The metal was cold and sent chills down your spine. He lent down and kissed you and you kissed back not breaking that kiss for five minutes. Night was falling and it was getting colder. "We should head inside I don't want you to freeze to death my love." Anakin said tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. He grabbed your hand tighter and took you inside. "Remember Annie, no should know that we are married." "I know I know." He smirked.

     "Alright we have a long day tomorrow, bed time." He said scooping you in his arms. "Oh, does that mean that you tell me what to do now?" You laughed. "Not necessarily." Anakin laid you on top of him gently rubbing your back up in down until you would fall asleep. "Wake up!" Yelled a voice. "Hmm?" It was Anakin. "Come on it's morning now." He said pulling your arm to get up. "No." You scoffed turning away from him. "You made me do this..." He threw the covers off you and used the force to lift you out of bed. "PUT ME DOWN SKYWALKER!!!" You yelled. "Fine." He gently placed you down and kissed your cheek.

     "We are going swimming today. Be ready in five minutes and meet me out on the deck." He said walking away. You knew he was going to do another joke but you played along with it. You changed into something more comfortable to swim in and and you went out onto the deck but... no one was there. "Annie? Annie?" You yelled. Suddenly, footsteps were getting louder behind you and Anakin came charging to you grabbing you and jumping off the deck into the water.

     "Why?" You said. "Because I wanted to." He laughed splashing you right in the face. "Oh, your on!" Even though his splashes were a lot bigger you did manage to get a few hits. "Watch this." Anakin closed his eyes and raised his hands. The water floated upwards creating a massive wave. The wave came crashing down knocking you down off your feet and being washed up on shore. "I think I won." He said helping you up. "That's not fair." You said coughing up water. "A little fact about me, I never play fair." He smirked.

     "I'm done playing your little games. The breeze is picking up." You shivered. "Fair enough." You walked back up to your lodge and got yourself cleaned up. "I brought dinner." Anakin said bringing a tray to you. "You didn't have to do that." He pulled a chair out for you to sit in then placed the tray in front of you. "It looks like it's about to storm." You said observing the window. "Well, looks like we can't do anything but stay in here." The storm was settling in and thunder crashed and lightning stroke. Anakin pulled you into his chest slightly falling asleep himself.

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