Jedi Rescue

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     "I sense something." You sighed of relief. A lightsaber was then ignited from behind you. It was Mace Windu! And you heard another...and another. Soon the whole arena was lightened by the lightsabers of the many Jedi.

     A wave of relief washed over you. You were being rescued! Anakin was about to make a move when Obi wan stopped him. "Wait! Be patient until the perfect time." He said. The suspense was real and you were prepared for battle at any moment. The crowd went silent and Mace Windu jumped from the box and landed gracefully on the ground.

     The battle has started. Geonosians swarmed through the whole area with Jedi jumping down from every direction. "Anakin now!" Yelled Obi wan. The REEK soon went full speed towards droid until it was spooked and bucked it hein legs causing you to flip off.  As you were about to face plant into the sand you breathed deeply and flipped over to land on your feet and it was successful. The droids had no mercy and started to shoot without warning. Broken droids and dead Jedi were scattered everywhere. A droid appeared right behind you knocking you down with its gun right to you.

     "Stupid droid." You stretched your hand out for a lightsaber that was abandoned by the dead Jedi and kicked your legs to decapitate the droid. Different types of droids were in a line faceing towards. "How the hell do I turn this on?" There was a switch and the lightsaber lit up majestically. You took a long observe of the lime green blade then pulled back into the battle. You waved the lightsaber a couple times to get the hang of it and surprisingly it was smooth. "Hey! I didn't know she was a Jedi."

     "Shoot her!" The droids shot with all the force they got. With your lightsaber you deflected most of the particular bullet lightly grazed against your arm. Your whole body felt as it was on fire. "Damn it!" You were getting over run with droids you had to fall back. "Forget this." You threw the lightsaber aside and grabbed a blaster off the ground and started to shoot. "Don't let her get away." "Roger "Roger." Said the battle droids.

     Your whole body was numb and sore you could barely move but you had to keep going. Anakin was not to far away from you so you regrouped with him. "There you are Y/n, are you alright?" He asked. "I'm great." The battle continued with with you fighting back to back with Anakin. More Jedi were being slayed and more droids were joining in. "You call this diplomacy?" Anakin laughed. "No, I call it aggressive negotiations."

     "I don't think I can hold them back any longer." You panted out of breath. "Keep trying." "Fall back." Said one of the Jedi. The battle droids kept coming closer till all of the survivors where clumped in a circle surrounded. Count Dooku came down from the box giving the signal to not shoot yet. "Master Windu! You have fought gallantly. Worthy of recognition in the history archives of the Jedi Order. Now it is finished. " Count Dooku said. "We will not be hostages for you to barter with, Dooku." Master Windu replied. "Then, I'm sorry, old friend. You will have to be destroyed." Dooku smirked.

     Count Dooku was about to raise his hand to signal the droids to shoot until you heard the roaring sound of motors. "Look!" You shouted excitedly. There was six unusual looking ships approaching the arena. "Come on hurry!" Said one of the clones. The separatist started to shoot at the ships while the survivors scrambled into each one of the ships before they took off.


     "Are you ok M'lady?" Obi wan asked. You nodded holding on to a pole for support and the ship taking full speed. "We have to catch Dooku before he escapes." Obi wan yelled to the pilot. Explosions started to rock the ship, you were being followed by the separatist. "Hold on!" You held on desperate as the ship kept rocking.

As your ship was dodging the blasters the ground crew was setting up a battle led my Master Windu. "Do you think they need help?" You said to Anakin. "No, they have their mission we have ours. We need to get to Dooku." A unordinary ship lurked by and you took a long observe of it. "Annie look!" You pointed. "It's Dooku! Shoot him down!"He ordered "We're out of ordinance, sir." Said one of the clones." "Follow him!" "We're going to need some help." You suggested. "No, there's no time. Anakin and I can handle this." Obi wan interrupted.

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