This Is The End For Us

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     "This is all my fault." You now know  you should've stayed on Naboo with Anakin or none of this would of happened. Now you, Anakin, Obi wan and soon Padmè will be killed. All because of you.

     You were shoved all over the place by sepratists. "Bind them." "Roger Roger." Said the droids putting cuffs on your wrists. Anakin kept looking at you sadly and deeply into your eyes. You were then taken to a chamber were Guard's ands others were waiting. "POGGLE THE LESSER, Archduke of Geonosis. And this is my his underling, SUN FAC." POGGLE squaked. "You have been charged and found guilty of Espionage." SUN FAC stated.  "Do you have anything to say before your sentence is carried out?" POGGLE asked.

     "You are committing an act of war, Archduke. I hope you are prepared for the consequences." You scoffed. "We build weapons, Y/n... that is our business! Of course we're prepared!" "Get on with it. Carry out the sentence. I want to see her suffer. And soon the Senator to suffer to." SUN FAC laughed.

     You got shoved and pushed away from the chamber into an open cart where you and Anakin were binded into next to each other. "I'm sorry."  "For what?" Anakin asked. "For this happening, I should've just listened to you. This was a big mistake."  "Don't say that Y/n, you were braver then me talking face to face with a Sith Lord . You spoke good for someone who doesn't like politics." Anakin smiled. "Thank you for everything." You looked out hearing the crowd cheering for you to die. It was hard to believe. It was hard to believe that just in a few minutes you will be murdered by Count Dooku who was a Jedi himself. "What if this leads us into a war?" All of these thoughts overwhelmed you. "Don't be afraid." Anakin said quietly interrupting your intrusive thoughts.

     "I'm not afraid to die. I've been dying a little bit
each day since the first time I met you." "What are you talking about?" He asked. This felt like the moment to confess your feelings to him  "I love you." it was nerve-racking, what if he does not like you back anymore, what if you hurt him so much that it made him hate you, then you will die heartbroken.  "You love me?! I thought we decided not to fall in love. That we would be forced to live a lie. That it would destroy our lives..." "I think our lives are about to be destroyed anyway. My love for you is a puzzle, Annie, for which I have no answers. I can't control it... and now I don't care. I truly, deeply love you, and before we die I want you to know." You spoke.

     There was a lot of restraint on your wrists but you managed to touch Anakin's lips for a final kiss before you were going to be killed. His lips were soft, kind of how he described the sand on Naboo. With all of his strength he leaned in a little more deepening the kiss. "Im glad that went well." It was time, the driver lashed its whip and drove towards the arena with the crowd roaring on. There was three tall posts and one was where Obi wan was chained to. "Get a move on." The guards said walking you two over to the two empty posts. There was one thing that you could think of that might save you...the force.

You and Anakin were tied up to the post by your wrist high above your head. "I was beginning to wonder if you had gotten my message." You heard Obi wan say to Anakin. "I retransmitted it as you requested, Master... Then we decided to come and rescue you." "Good job!" Obi wan said sarcastically. You looked around you saw Count Dooku in the archducal box speaking to POOGLE.

"Let the executions begin!" Yelled POGGLE excitedly . The crowd full of Geonosians went wild and you heard the gates screeching open to reveal three strange looking creatures. One, which was a REEK that was kinda like a bull. NEXU which looked like a lion and a ACKLAY. The monsters were poked by the Picardoes which brought them closer to you. "I've got a bad feeling about this." Anakin sighed. The monsters got a glimpse of all of you and started screeching and shaking their heads about to attack any second. "Take the one the right. I'll take the one on the left." Obi wan spoke.

"What about Y/n ?" Anakin asked. "Don't worry Annie I'll be fine." Your breathing started to increase, your heart was racing and sweat was trickling down your forehead. Finally, you closed your eyes feeling the force. You felt calm... like you knew what was going to happen. You took a deep breath opening your eyes. The NEXU was running right after you and you swung with your wrist still attached away from the NEXU which caused it to crash head first into the post.

The NEXU was in pain so you jumped on its head to give you a boost to jump on top of the post. You dodged all of the swipes stabs of the NEXU's knife like claws. An idea popped in your head, You positioned your hands were the NEXU was about to strike and...CLASH!. The claws broke the chains off your wrists which made it easier to dodge without the added weight. It was like you knew what the next move of the monster was. "So this is what the force feels like." "Why did it call for me though?"

You were too focused on your monster, Therefore you didn't know what Anakin or Obi wan were doing. it was freighting how oblivious you were. What if the both of them were lying dead, and you didn't even notice. "Y/n jump!" You looked down to see Anakin riding on top of the REEK. You nodded and took a leap of faith and landed quietly on the REEK hanging on to Anakin's waist tightly. "That was impressive Y/ fact I don't think a normal person can do that. "


"Master jump on!" Anakin said. Obi wan jumped on the back behind you holding your waist while the crowd starts booing and moaning. "This isn't how it's supposed to be! Jango, finish her off!" NUTE GUNRAY said from the top of the box. "So what happens now?" The gates started to open again but this time it wasn't monsters it was droids...hundreds of them marching right to you. Even Obi wan and Anakin looked frightened from the scene. What was going to help you now? All of you were unarmed, thousands a battle droids were going to shoot any second, there was a Sith Lord, and millions of Geonosians alarmed in the stands.

You wanted to trust the force, but in this situation you felt like you couldn't. Until you sensed something in the back of your mind, like someone was here.

Someone that was here to rescue you!

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