You Need To Leave

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You were trying to fall asleep but you kept hearing the faint voices of the two Jedi outside your room. You got up and walked over to see Padmé sound asleep. " Beep Beep boop" Artoo chirped loudly. "Shhhhh it's ok Artoo  just me." You whispered to Artoo.

You went up to the door listening to what Obi wan and Anakin were saying. "It's not an intruder I'm worried about. There are many other ways to kill a Senator." You heard Obi wan say."I know, but we also want to catch this assassin. Don't we master?"Anakin asked. You listen to the Jedi for a while. The voices started to calm you so you walked back to bed. As you were walking to your bed something you heard caught your attention."I don't sleep well anymore."Anakin said."Because of your mother?" Obi wan asked."I don't know why I keep dreaming about her now. I haven't seen her since I was little." Anakin said with a sad tone.

"I'd rather dream of someone . Just being around her it's intoxicating." You heard Anakin say."Be mindful of your thoughts Anakin. But in question who is this someone?" Obi wan asked. "Just a someone." Anakin replied as he blushed.

You were exhausted at that point so you went to bed. As you were trying to sleep you had thoughts in your head."Who was Anakin talking about? "Was he talking about me?" "Was he talking about Padmé". Finally, after hours you drifted off to sleep.

"CRASH!" You heard as you sprung awake and saw Anakin standing on Top of your bed in front of you holding his lightsaber ignited ."Sorry M'lady, You wait here with Padmé, be safe." We're his last words before Anakin left the room. "Y/n oh my gosh are you alright?"Padmé said running to you"Yeah I'm fine, but he needs help." You ran out the room as fast as you can trying to catch up to Anakin "Y/N WAIT!" You heard Padmé call, but you ignored her protests.

You saw Anakin jumping in a speeder not to far ahead of you.You managed to jump in the back in the speeder as he rode off."M'lady what are you doing here, it's too dangerous."Anakin said."You need help so I came with you." You replied."Well if your going to stay you need to come up here so I can protect you." Anakin spoke. You climbed up to the front seat next to Anakin as he put a arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him. You can tell that you and Anakin were both flustered.

Next thing you know Obi wan falls into the speeder next to you."What took you so long, and what is Y/n doing here?" Obi wan asked "Oh, you know master I couldn't find a speeder I really liked." You laughed at his response while Obi wan rolled his eyes."You never answered my question Anakin,Why is Y/n here."Obi wan asked again. "Uhh She just kind of jumped in you know, Buts it's ok I will protect her."
Anakin said trying to assure him.

Anakin starts to stir the speeder in and out of traffic around buildings and everything"I think I'm going to be sick." You said "Sorry M'lady,but you technically came in here yourself."Anakin said looking at the you. You rolled your eyes at his response."Sorry, I forgot you don't like flying, Master." Anakin said as he saw Obi wan about to be sick." I don't mind flying... but what you're doing is suicide!" Obi wan said. As Anakin was flying recklessly chasing the assassin. The assassin had a good view point on you to shoot so Obi wan ignites his lightsaber to avoid you from getting hit. Anakin then slams on his brakes causing the assassin to almost shoot Obi wan."What are you doing? He's gonna blast me!" Obi wan yelled."Right,this Isn't working" Anakin said. Not so long after, Anakin loses the assassin."Well, you lost him." Obi wan scoffed.

"I'm deeply sorry master." Anakin replied but you could see the slight smirk hiding on his face. Anakin looked around the speeder and he spots something underneath. "Anakin what is it?" You asked"Excuse me for a moment." Anakin said before jumping out of the speeder. Your heart drops to your stomach and you look down to see that he dropped right on the assassin. "I hate it when he does that." Obi wan said looking down then looking back up at you."Yeah he's really dumb sometimes." You agreed. Obi wan smiled at you then climbs over you to get to the drivers seat."Come on we have to get to him before he kills himself " Obi wan said as he drove off.

Obi wan landed the speeder on a platform close to a night club "Anakin!" Obi wan said angrily." She went into that club, Master." Anakin said out of breath. All three of you went in the nightclub to see a bar and people dancing all around."Can you see him?" Obi wan said walking into the club with you and Anakin not following far behind "I think he's a she... and I think she's a changeling." Anakin replied back. "He so amazing and kind of handsome ." You thought to yourself while looking at him smiling at you" No he is a Jedi he cannot love." You said to yourself trying to fade away those thoughts. " Here!" Obi wan said giving Anakin his Jedi robes. "Wait! Where are you going master?" Anakin asked taking the robes."For a drink." Obi wan said while smiling at Anakin " Don't let Y/n out of your sight." Obi wan added.

"Don't worry master I'll protect her with my life." Anakin said smiling at you. "Put this on, it will hide your identity." Anakin said handing you the Jedi robes. You put on the robes and then put on the hood while Anakin puts a arm around you."You really don't obey your master a lot don't you."
" No not really sometimes I just like doing my own thing." Anakin said. "I was just wondering who were you talking about last night with Obi wan?" You asked desperate for an answer."Oh uh you heard that?Well actually it was-" Anakin got cut off to hearing a horrific scream.

Anakin ran to Obi wan's side with his lightsaber ignited in his hand as you stood behind him looking over his shoulder. Everyone was looking around at you and the bounty hunter. "official business. Go back to your drinks." Anakin said talking to everyone. "Alright we need to get her outside to answer some questions." Obi wan spoke. " Obi wan put the bounty hunters arm around his neck to walk her out.

Obi wan laid the assassin in an ally way. "We are going to ask you a few questions" Obi wan said"Who hired you?" Obi wan asked "It was just a job." The assassin spoke with her voice cracking." Who hired you? Tell us!" Anakin said angrily " Patience my young Padawan." Obi wan said to Anakin. "What are you getting from killing Padmé?" You said waiting for an answer."Like I said before it was a job and the bounty hunter just found out the Senator had a sister." The assassin said.

You were shocked by her response you were sure that no one knew who you were."Tell us... tell us now!" Anakin said once again. " Anakin it's ok." You spoke trying to reassure him."It was a Bounty Hunter called..." Was the assassin last words before something shot into her neck. Anakin pulled you into his chest trying to protect you from whatever that was. "Look!" You said pointing to a building where an armored person flew off the roof. Obi wan walked over to the assassin pulling out a sharp dart from her neck." Toxic dart, We need to get Y/n back to Padmé where she will be safe. This needs to be reported to the council immediately." Obi wan said.

The ride back to the council was silent. You walked in to see Padmé pacing around her room back and forth." Y/N are you ok?" Padmé said taking you in her arms. "I'm fine" "Why in the world would you go with two Jedi on a dangerous mission, Do you know how much your life was at risk." Padmé spoke angrily." She was alright Senator, I say she's a better side kick than Anakin." Obi wan said trying to get you out of trouble."Hey!" Anakin spat.

Padmé took you into the apartment room and sat you down for another "talk"." Not another talk again Padmé." You said rubbing your eyes." This is extremely important, After the incident last night with the bounty hunter it is to dangerous for you to stay at Coruscant. You need to leave Y/n!" Padmé stated seriously.

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