Rush To Tatooine

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In a rush, you quickly grabbed a couple things from the room such as extra clothes, food and a blaster you took just in case. Anakin takes your hand rushing to the hanger and you two aboard a Naboo ship. "You do know how to fly right?" You asked concerned. "No need to be afraid M'lady, flying is what I'm best at." Anakin said. "I trust you." After placing your stuff down you sat down in the copilot seat. Anakin powers up the ship then takes off into the darkness of space.

The stars were extras sparkly that night, you could look at them forever seeing just little bright dots in the sky it was mesmerizing.


    Later, a yellowish planet appeared from out of no where. Anakin landed the ship close to the outskirts.  The door flew open and you could practically see the sand flying in. The landscape was just desert for what it looked like it went on for hundreds or even thousands of miles. "Come on M'lady, but remember stay close to me. You're still in danger." "Please, call me Y/n." You smiled. "Ok Y/n."After walking out you immediately felt the heat of the two suns beating down on your skin making it sting a little. The sand was a lot more different texture than the sand off of Naboo so it was a little harder to move around. "Are you ok?" Anakin asks seeing you wince in pain from the heat. "I'm fine." "don't worry it's not much longer." He exclaimed looking ahead.


     The two suns started to set and it felt like you were walking for hours, your knees became weaker and started to shake from the aching pain. Anakin clearly noticed and handed out his hand for you to grab. This time you didn't hesitate to grab it. The walking continued and you climbed up a sand dune, at the top there was a couple of lights in the distance. "Is that it?" You asked panting out of breath. "Yup, but luckily we can ride a rickshaw over there." Even Anakin seemed tremendously tired. His face was beaten red and sweat trickled down his face but he knew that a Jedi would never complain about the heat which made you feel bad for him.

     Finally a Rickshaw was waiting at the end of the sand dune and you could not have been happier. The dune was very steep but you didn't care anymore. So you quickly tried to walk down but slipped and ended up rolling down the hill instead. "Y/n!" You heard him shout. "What it was a faster way." Anakin helped you up and you brushed the sand off your clothes. Luckily the rickshaw was still there waiting and Anakin held out his hand to help you up. The ride was slow but it gave you more time to take in the dry air of the desert planet.


The town was small everything was poor but it was interesting seeing how different it was from Coruscant and Naboo. "It's not much, but it's home." Anakin said. You were cheerful just seeing how Anakin's face lit up observing everything. "Wait, please." Anakin said to the droid driving.The rickshaw stopped and Anakin got out and took your hand to help you out. It was a small repair shop that had different bits and bobs everywhere, it looked as it have been abandoned for years. Anakin started messing with some of the gears and ship parts until a blue creature came flying out.

"Chut, chut, Watto." Anakin said. You thought Anakin was speaking gibberish but realized that it was some kind of language."Ke Booda?" The creature asked. "Di nova, 'Chut, chut." Anakin said. You were trying to keep your laugh in. "Ding mi chasa hopa." Anakin says as he takes the piece of metal fiddling with it. The creature looks at him surprised. "Ke booda? Yo baan pee hota. No wega
mi condorta. Kin chasa du Jedi. No bata tu tu.".The creature dropped a screw driver screaming all around. "Mi boska di Shmi
Skywalker." Anakin said. "Shmi has to be Anakin's mother." You thought to yourself. The creature looks at Anakin suspiciously. "Annie?? Little Annie?? Naaah!!" The creature said in English. "It can't be Annie! Look at you a Jedi now eh? Mabye you can help me with some people who owe me a lot of money. Oh and who is this young lady she looks rich." The creature chuckled flying closer to you.

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