Heartbreaking Death

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It was now broad daylight and the heat started to increase but, Anakin still hasn't returned. Should you wait? Or should you go out to look for him?"

There was a sudden noise that sounded like a motor running. As soon as you heard it you ran up the stairs and saw Anakin taking a object wrapped in cloth out that was tied to the back of the speeder... it was a body. "Annie?" You said running towards him. "She's gone Y/n, she's gone." He sobbed looking down at her body. "I'm so sorry." You said tears starting to form in your eyes. He stood there for a while in disbelief. He would of never known that one day he would stand there looking at his moms dead body in his arms. Their was silence for a moment. All that could be heard was Anakin's sobs. "You must be starving Annie, I'm making breakfast for you." You smiled changing the subject.

     Anakin laid the body carefully on the speeder and went down with you. Beru was in the kitchen finishing up breakfast while you helped her. "What's it like there?" Beru asked. "I'm sorry?" You asked confused. "On Naboo... What's it like?" She smiled. All that was on your mind was Anakin but you tried your best to reply. "Oh, It's... very green. With lots of water. And trees. Not like here at all." You awkwardly said. "But it's very beautiful." "I think I like it here better." Beru said putting the food on a tray. "Maybe you'll come and see it one day." You said. "I don't think so. I don't like to travel." She laughed.

"Thank you." You said taking the tray and leaving. Anakin was in a small room working at a bench. "I brought you something. Are you hungry?" You asked putting the tray down on a little table. "The shifter broke. Life seems so much simpler when you're fixing things. I'm good at fixing things... always was. But I couldn't..." Anakin said. "You couldn't what?" You asked. "Why did she have to die? Why couldn't I save her? I know I could have!" He said looking at you with tears in his eyes.

" Sometimes there are things no one can fix. You're not all-powerful, Annie. You did the best you could." You said walking to him. " I should be!" He shouted. "Someday I will be... I will be the most powerful Jedi ever! I promise you, I will even learn to stop people from dying." He started to sob. "Anakin... it's part of the human cycle to die. I couldn't imagine losing a mother but your going to have to move on. It will take time but the more you think about her the worse your feelings will be. " You said quietly.

"It's all Obi-Wan's fault. He's jealous! He knows I'm already more powerful than he is. He's holding me back!" Anakin said angrily. "You don't want to become to powerful Annie horrific things can happen. Obi wan is doing it for your safety." You explained. Anakin leaned on the work bench and chucked a wrench across the room shattering it. "Annie, what's wrong?" You asked walking up to him. "I- I killed them. I killed them all. They're
dead, every single one of them." He stuttered.
"What?" "Not just the men, but the women and the children too. They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals... I hate them!" He yelled breaking down and dropping to his knees.

     Your heart broke seeing him like that. It gave you an uneasy feeling knowing he murdered the Tusken Raiders out of anger. The love for him took over your mind so you dropped down with him pulling him in your arms while he cried in your shoulder. "Why do I hate them? I didn't... I couldn't... I couldn't control myself. I... I don't want to hate them... But I just can't forgive them." He choked through sobs. "You have every right to be angry Annie." "To control your anger is to be a Jedi." He weeped. "Stop that!" You shouted. "What?" "Stop being so hard on your self. Even though your a Jedi, you are still human and have the same emotions as a regular civilian like me." You said. 

     "Can you please just hold me?" He pleaded looking up at you with tearful eyes. "Of course." You sat there for hours just holding him it seemed to relax him. "I want to bury her, here." Anakin said breaking the silence. You nodded and you helped him up, walking out of the room to a piece of land not so far away. You shoveled a hole into the ground while Anakin carefully placed the body in it, and covered it up to put a stone on it that was engraved with. "Here lies Shmi, most dearest wife and mother."

     "I still can't believe she's dead." Anakin spoke. Cliegg, Owen and Beru came out huddling around the grave. "I know wherever you are it's become a better place. You were the most loving partner a man could ever have. Goodbye, my dearest wife. And thank you." Cliegg said to the grave. Anakin walked up to it falling to his knees. "I wasn't strong enough to save you, Mom. I wasn't strong enough. But I promise I won't fail again. I miss you so much." He said playing with the sand to try and feel her one last time.

     Anakin sat there for a while just fiddling with the sand. It seemed right to pay respect so you went up and sat down next to Anakin. "Shmi, I know I never got the chance to meet you but you seemed like a sweet person who always cared for others. Your son had made me and so many others proud and I'm sure your so proud of him too." You said. Anakin smiled at you in awe of how the words you said meant to him. From now on he wasn't going to let you or his mother down.

     Anakin gave you one last hug before standing up. A faint beeping noise was coming from an distance. It was difficult to see what it was, as it got closer it looked as if it was...Artoo. "Artoo, what are you doing here?" You asked. "I thought I told you to stay with the ship." Anakin added.

   Artoo started beeping and whistling frantically. Something didn't seem right. "It seems that he is carrying a message from an Obi- Wan Kenobi. Master Annie, does that name mean anything to you?" Threepio translated the beeping. "That's my master. Y/n we should head back. I hope he didn't find out that were not on Naboo. "Anakin passed you a worried look. The sun was about to set, you nodded your head and grabbed the few things you took and said goodbye to Cliegg, Owen and Beru. "Thanks for stopping bye, we don't usually get visitors." Beru said. "Sorry about your mother kid. But have a safe flight." Cliegg spoke. "Goodbye!" The surface was a lot more flat so you had no trouble trying to get to your ship.

"Come on Artoo!" You motioned your hand. "Wait! Is it possible that I can come to. Master Annie, I promise I will behave." Threepio begged. Anakin nodded and Threepio shuffled behind.

You got to the cockpit of the ship and Artoo started to play the message which a hologram of Obi wan popped up. "Anakin, my long range transmitter has been knocked out. Retransmit this message to Coruscant." Obi wan said as you clicked a button to transmit it to Coruscant. "I have tracked the bounty hunter Jango Fett to the droid foundries on Geonosis. "The Trade Federation is to take taking
delivery of a droid army here and it is clear that Viceroy Gunray is behind the assassination attempts on Senator Amidala and Y/n. The Commerce Guilds and Corporate Alliance have both pledged their armies to Count Dooku and are forming an... Wait!... Wait!!" The message cut off.

"Something is terribly wrong."

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