Horrid nightmares

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When you were asleep you dreamed of something. Something you've never dreamed before. It was Anakin, And how you were spending the rest of your life with him...happy and married with children but there was something odd that happened. Before your dream could continue you woke up to someone shifting next to you. It was Anakin groaning in his sleep he was sweaty and shaking. "Annie?" You whispered which was enough to wake him up.

   "Did I wake you M'lady?" He said getting out of bed. "Your having nightmares again, how can I help?" You asked. "I'm fine, just I can't fall asleep anymore." He said. "Do you want me to give you a back massage,I'm fairly good at them."  You smiled.
You saw Anakin's face light up and he nodded laying down on the bed on his stomach. You gave him a massage which quickly caused him to fall asleep. After massaging Anakin's  back for an hour you just rubbed it and you going back to sleep.

      The warming heat of the sun woke you up and you were surprised to see Anakin still fast asleep beside you. "He's so adorable when he sleeps." You thought to yourself. You stroked Anakin's cheek lightly, accidentally waking him up."You seemed to sleep well." You said. "I did, your back massages really do work , you should do them more often if that's ok with you of course." Anakin smiled at you.

     "I want to do something special today." You said. "And what would that be?" Anakin asked. You opened the curtains to the glass door looking ahead "A picnic, on that island over there just you and me." You explained. "You and me? Sounds like a deal ."Anakin said. You went to go change into a dress while doing your hair and make up and grabbing a picnic basket filled with delicious food.

"You look gorgeous Y/n." Anakin said observing you. "Thanks Annie." You smiled. You got the basket and went on the water speeder to the field where you and Anakin were going to have your picnic. After everything was set up Anakin just sat there staring at you. "You know I can see you staring." You said. "I'm sorry but I can't take my eyes off your beauty." He said. "I have a question, have you ever liked someone where you wanted to be more than friends?" He asked. " I don't know." you said.

"Sure you do, you just don't want to tell me." He gave you a cheesy smile. "Are you going to use one of your Jedi mind tricks on me?" You asked. "They only work on the weak-minded. You are anything but weak minded." Anakin answered. You finally gave in. "All right... I was twelve. His name was Palo. We
were both in the Legislative Youth Program. He was a few years older than I, very cute, dark curly hair and dreamy eyes." You said remembering the handsome boy. "All right, I get the picture" Anakin scoffed. "Awww is someone jealous." You teased. Anakin started to blush and you heard a loud beeping noise coming from Anakin's belt.

"Hold on." He said. Anakin opened up a little disk that showed up a hologram of Obi wan. "Hello master." Anakin said. "Hello There Anakin, You seem to be enjoying yourself. Is everything going ok?" Obi wan asked. "Yes master." "Is Y/n there, oh please let me see her." Padmé said walking behind Obi wan. "Sure M'lady." Obi wan moved. "Is everything going ok, how was Moms and Dads house." Padmé asked. "It was an interesting experience.How's the politics going?" You replied. "I'm sorry they are like that, And here it's just same old everything.  I'll see you soon Y/n. Love you!" Padmé said blowing you a kiss. "Remember Anakin don't get into any trouble, May the force be with you." Obi wan said. "May the force be with you to master."Anakin spoke hanging up on the com.

    "So whatever happened to him?" Anakin asked. "I was elected as princess he went on to be an artist." You replied. "Maybe he was the smart one." He said. "You really don't like politicians, do you? Well really I don't either that's Padmé's job." You smiled. "I don't think the system works." He said."How would you have it work?" You asked. " I thought you don't like politicians." Anakin said. " I don't, my sister is one so I'm just curious." You replied. "We need a system where the politicians sit down and
discuss the problem, agree what's in the best interests of all the people, and then do it." Anakin said.

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